For those who may be laboring under the misconception that President-elect Barack Obama is leaning exclusively to the political center in his administrative appointments, Cooler Heads notes that the new “energy czar” Carol Browner is a card-carrying Socialist. Our work is cut out for us.
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Even mo’ “card-carring” thin George W. Bush ‘n most of the “new” “bailouts are us” GOP?
‘L, att’s hard t’ imajin.
Yes, but only by matter of degree. If you have a hard time imagining someone more socialistic than George W. Bush, you need to re-read your history. And there are too many Republicans in Congress who went along with it. Forget them. We need to rally behind those – especially in the Senate – who finally demonstrated some backbone on this issue.
‘L, I’m thankin of one feller in th’ House, ‘specially, who I believe represents th’ real antidote. Don’t got too much faith in anyone who’s in th’ “mainstream”: