This is one in a series of daily posts I conceived of writing many weeks ago while the election still raged on, as I looked for something to write about of more lasting value. The weeks leading up to Thanksgiving seemed perfectly appropriate for it. Just in case you wondered, the topics introduced are not necessarily in any particular order. I hope the series is of some small encouragement to you, even as my site traffic takes a dive.
Living in Colorado, it may be a bit harder than most to take the natural beauty around us for granted. But it can happen. The plethora of mountain vistas practically in our backyard and the numerous days of rich blue, sunny skies would make it difficult for me ever to leave the Centennial State. I appreciate the frequent photo postings of fellow blogger Bob Agard – including the trees, sunsets, and clouds.
By no means does Colorado have a monopoly on natural beauty, but we have what seems like more than our fair share. Though it has many more cloudy days, my home state of Michigan is quite well-blessed in this regard, too. In either place, one of my favorite things to do is to go out away from the city and take day-hikes, and to breathe in the fresh air and the beautiful sights. For various reasons, I haven’t had as much opportunity to do so this year. I’m itching to get out and do some more in the coming months, and the Thanksgiving season seems a perfect time to start.
Psalm 19:1-2
The heavens are telling of the glory of God; And their expanse is declaring the work of His hands. Day to day pours forth speech, And night to night reveals knowledge.
My quick contribution:
Took this picture near 84th and Sheridan, not too far from where I live. I think this was May or June?
I’ve got a video too that if I can get it uploaded, I’ll comment again here in this thread….
Shot this video when I was a senior majoring in radio and TV at Oklahoma Baptist University.
Despite what it may look like, I probably shot 2 hours of raws and worked a total of 20 hours on this finished product.
Thanks for the contributions!