Ol’ Slow Joe Biden almost redeemed hiseff at points, n’ Palin faltered at points. I give credit t’ ol Joe.
But th’ day clearly goes t’ Mrs. Palin.
‘N-att ain’t cuz ol’ Jones got an eye fir hotties.
If’n th’ McCain/Palin ticket is not victoryus, somehow I thank she’ll be back. She cud be th’ next Reagan, ‘n wut we paleocon types hope fir is-att she’ll stand t’ th’ right of him. It may be a vain hope, but t’night we rejoice with the Sarahcudda caimp.
Post-mortem analysees generally indercate a tie (an’ Biden did do quite well). But Mrs. Palin clearly did wut she needed to do. Whether it’ll be enuf t’ turn th’ tide is ‘nother question. To quote one news story:
“Her performance had unlimited downside potential but probably has a limited upside,” said Todd Harris, who worked on McCain’s 2000 presidential campaign and advised Fred Thompson’s presidential bid this year. “I doubt that this will change the dynamics of the race, but it certainly might help stop some of the bleeding.”
I had t’ leave th’ room as soon as th’ debate wuz over, but I hurd one commentator say sumthin’ ‘r other about finally seein’ a “real” debate, or a “great” debate, sumthin’ alohng-em lines. I agree. It was a gud give ‘n take.
Some conservative pundits are urgin’ the Meqeuno campaign t’ git Sarah out thar front ‘n center from hereon in. Dohn’t know if’n thar are any “October Surprises” out thar-att cud harm Obama, but if’n thar is, att, alohng with gittin’ Sarah more exposure, could hep turn thangs around.
At any rate, thar’s still a month to go, and anythin’ cud happen. Shud be an interstun evenin’ ohn 11-4.
Ten minutes into the debate: Sarah’s kicking Slow Joe’s arse.
Never let it be sed, Ben DeGrow, that ol’ Jones dohn’t give credit whar credit is due.
Ol’ Slow Joe Biden almost redeemed hiseff at points, n’ Palin faltered at points. I give credit t’ ol Joe.
But th’ day clearly goes t’ Mrs. Palin.
‘N-att ain’t cuz ol’ Jones got an eye fir hotties.
If’n th’ McCain/Palin ticket is not victoryus, somehow I thank she’ll be back. She cud be th’ next Reagan, ‘n wut we paleocon types hope fir is-att she’ll stand t’ th’ right of him. It may be a vain hope, but t’night we rejoice with the Sarahcudda caimp.
“jgm: Biden using his dead wife again . . . ”
Whoever ye are, jgm, ye ain’t got no class. (Ben, I hope ye wohn’t censor this-un. Att need t’ be sed.)
Nite, all. ‘N congraits, GOP.
S. Jones
Great coverage Ben!
Post-mortem analysees generally indercate a tie (an’ Biden did do quite well). But Mrs. Palin clearly did wut she needed to do. Whether it’ll be enuf t’ turn th’ tide is ‘nother question. To quote one news story:
“Her performance had unlimited downside potential but probably has a limited upside,” said Todd Harris, who worked on McCain’s 2000 presidential campaign and advised Fred Thompson’s presidential bid this year. “I doubt that this will change the dynamics of the race, but it certainly might help stop some of the bleeding.”
I had t’ leave th’ room as soon as th’ debate wuz over, but I hurd one commentator say sumthin’ ‘r other about finally seein’ a “real” debate, or a “great” debate, sumthin’ alohng-em lines. I agree. It was a gud give ‘n take.
Some conservative pundits are urgin’ the Meqeuno campaign t’ git Sarah out thar front ‘n center from hereon in. Dohn’t know if’n thar are any “October Surprises” out thar-att cud harm Obama, but if’n thar is, att, alohng with gittin’ Sarah more exposure, could hep turn thangs around.
At any rate, thar’s still a month to go, and anythin’ cud happen. Shud be an interstun evenin’ ohn 11-4.
Not that I care who wins, mind ye. I’m still a-votin’ fir Chuck Baldwin. But I do like Sarah.