Update: Another Colorado blogger added to the list below
Barack Obama picked Joe Biden as his running mate … seriously? When I first heard the news late last night, it sounded too good to be true. My first reaction was that Obama must have made the pick from an insecurity about Obama’s personal and political weaknesses. Example? There’s no way Biden’s long-winded, incoherent ramblings could upstage the Obamessiah’s cultish appeal at this week’s Democratic National Convention.
Beyond the DNC, what does Barack Obama have to look forward to in having Joe Biden as a running mate? What do we really know about Biden? Here’s a quick rundown from Colorado bloggers:
- In his Human Events column, Rossputin reminds us of Biden’s plagiarized past, his vicious backstabbing of then-Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas, and his 2007 ranking by the National Journal as the 3rd most liberal U.S. Senator
- From Denver Post columnist David Harsanyi, fellow Democrat Mickey Kaus calls out Biden for having “seniority” not “gravitas”, and we’re reminded of Biden’s rush to condemn the eight U.S. Marines accused in the Haditha case
- Rocky Mountain Right created a video using Biden’s own words, suggesting that Obama was looking for someone who would make him look nearly gaffe-free by comparison
- Bob Agard has posted the official John McCain campaign video response
- Michael at Best Destiny writes: “You want to have some fun? Let’s get to a town hall somewhere between Chicago and Denver, and turn off the teleprompters. Let’s see Obama and Biden muddle through an event without the help of a script.”
- The New Conservative effectively uses video to explain why Obama-Biden “is a radical left ticket aimed at putting the nails in the coffin of conservatism – a maneuver that is sure to isolate the Democratic voting block to the far left.
And he’s not in the Colorado blogosphere, but Patrick Ruffini has put up Joe Biden’s infamous audio on Barack Obama, along with the original responses of some of the Left’s biggest online voices (i.e., Daily Kos, Atrios, Joshua Marshall). All in question either may be ready to eat their words or may just feel like losing their lunch. Then again, maybe Obama picked Biden because he thought what the Delaware Senator said was a genuine compliment.
Seriously. . . John McCain?
John McCain for President: