I have accepted an invitation to appear at a national conference of free market / limited-government bloggers. It’s off to the 1st Annual Samsphere Chicago event this weekend:
Samsphere is a new media forum, hosted by the Sam Adams Alliance, where bloggers and e-activists from across the country can gather together to network and share ideas. Samsphere will be specifically geared toward bloggers and e-activists who focus on local and state-level politics, and who are dedicated to the principles of individual freedom and limited government.
For the hard-core Lefties, yes, Samsphere is the shadowy Vast Right Wing Conspiracy in action. For the rest of my readers, it’s not so secretive as all that. It will be an opportunity to expand the limited government / pro-freedom blogging community, in hopes of meeting the following fine bloggers from across the nation:
Erick Erickson * RedState * National
Allen Fuller * Flat Creek Management * National
John Fund * Wall Street Journal * National
Brad Jones * Face the State * National
Jenn Sierra * Fort Hard Knox * National
Erik Telford * Americans for Prosperity * National
E.M. Zanotti * American Princess * National
Bill Smith * ARRA News Service * Arkansas
Ben DeGrow * Mount Virtus * Colorado
Mark Johnson * ILGOPnet * Illinois
Doug Welch * Stix * Illinois
Bob Weeks * Wichita Liberty * Kansas
Earl Glynn * Kansas Meadowlark * Kansas
Jeff Blanco * Louisiana Conservative * Louisiana
Lance Dutson * Maine Web Report * Maine
Jack McHugh * Mackinac Center * Michigan
Chet Zarko * Outside Lansing * Michigan
Jim Hoft * Gateway Pundit * Missouri
Craig Sprout * Montana Politics * Montana
Chuck Muth * Muth’s Truths * Nevada
Skip Murphy * Granite Grok * New Hampshire
Mario Burgos * Mario Burgos * New Mexico
Maggie Thurber * Thurber’s Thoughts * Ohio
Chris Arps * Oklahoma Political News Service * Oklahoma
Trent Siebert * Tennessee Policy Institute * Tennessee
Leslie Carbone * Leslie Carbone * Virginia
Don Ward * Sound Politics * Washington
Fred Dooley * Real Debate Wisconsin * Wisconsin
Tristen Cramer * Haemet * Wyoming
Chad Everson * Grizzly Groundswell * Minnesota
Steve Sibson * Sibby Online * South Dakota
I hope to interview some of them for my site’s readers, as we share ideas and best practices on a broader scale. I also hope to pass on what’s happening on this side of the Colorado blogosphere. Let me know if you think of anything important to pass on.
Yes, we have let the Left get ahead in this area, but their advantage is waning. Our strength lies in ideas. Forward, then.
Congrats! I know you’ll represent us well. I look forward to reading about it.
I look forward to meeting you.