Weird political story: Paranoid Ron Paul supporters harass a New Hampshire town official over a simple mistake that initially cost their candidate 31 votes but was quickly corrected.
Two words for the Ronulans (in the vernacular): Chill out.
Though, as Paul’s campaign continues to sink like a piece of lead, I’m sure many will find a conspiracy in that, too. All part of an American political tradition, a leading historian once argued.
Been lotsa guilt by ‘ssociation argumints eminatin’ ‘from neocon ranks ‘ginst Ron Paul of late, Mr. DeGrow, and this looks like jus’ another-un.
See, here’s the deal with Ron Paul: he’s the only libertarian in the current slate of GOP candied dates. Libertarians are, by definition, brainy anti-gummint types. Being the only anti-gummint type in the pack, Paul is obvously gonna draw all sortsa anti-gummint types who ain’t all that libertarian o’ all that brainy, including but not limited to the paranoid who see conspiracies everwhere.
All libertarians are anti-gummint types, but not all anti-gummint types are libertarians. ‘N so, Paul’s particular form o’ libertarianism mus’ be judged on its own merits, ‘n not unfairly linked with the kooks ‘n paranoids who have attached themseves to Paul’s candidacy merely because they see in him a fellow anti-gummint type.
Wud ye agree?
‘Course, this snafu in NH didn’t hep thangs none. Not only duz it only stoke the fires of conspiracist belief, but it highlights, once agin, the problem we seem to be experiencin’ in this nation with accurat vote tallies. ‘N ye don’t hafta be no conspiracy theorist to be concurned ’bout that last-un.
“Been lotsa guilt by ‘ssociation argumints eminatin’ ‘from neocon ranks ‘ginst Ron Paul of late, Mr. DeGrow, and this looks like jus’ another-un.”
Your assumptions, not mine. There are plenty of other arguments with which to assail Rep. Paul’s candidacy – I don’t think this should be one of them. Just thought it was a weird, noteworthy political story to highlight.
Though it must embarrass more mentally stable supporters like yourself to read this stuff.
“Though it must embarrass more mentally stable supporters like yourself to read this stuff.”
Yes, it do, but wut kin be done ’bout it? Like-I sed, wut unites the wackos and the brainy libertarians is they shared commitmint to scaling back the Fed’rals.
Ask Mr. Kopel tomorrow about an analeegus phenomenon, gun rights activism. They’s the stuff Mr. Kopel and Mr. Halbrook and Mr. Volohk do, n’ thin there’s all the wackos who show up-att legislative hearin’s in they cammies. The latter shorely embarrass th’ former. Don’t mean gun activism is an unworthy cause, however.
I’ll be ainswerin’ yo’ post above on confederatarians by and by.
Here’s ‘nother weird politikle story fir ye:
Thanks for the chuckle. Anyone should have known that your average rank-and-file Republicans are too busy with life to be out protesting. My how long ago that all seems….
“Thanks for the chuckle. Anyone should have known that your average rank-and-file Republicans are too busy with life to be out protesting.”
‘L, I gis-att’s until the Dems make the case for Hangin’ Chad.
Anyway, I found the “where-are-they-now” angle interstin’. No good deed goes unrewarded, right? I’m shore yo’ Baptist preacher wud agree, wud he not? O wud he by chaince be a paleocon, and thus finds hypocrisy and othah forms of corruption in the Dems and the GOP alike?
Ye jus’ nevah know with Evangelicals. They so unpredictuble.