Via American Thinker, here is quotable wisdom Tony Snow shared in a May 2007 commencement speech, advice to “live boldly, to live a whole life”:
1. Think; use your brains.
2. Take risks; don’t be content with what you know.
3. Commit to God. Faith is as natural as the air we breathe. Religion is the introduction to the ultimate extreme sport.
4. Get out and experience life. Get your fingernails dirty… and laugh, a lot, at yourselves. ..the pain, the poignancy, the aches are essential; they bring us together.
5. Love. It is everything…to love is to acknowledge that life is not about you…to submit willingly, heart & soul, to things that matter. Think not only of what it means to love but what it means to be loved. I have a lot of experience with that. Since the news that I have cancer again, I have heard from thousands and thousands of people and I have been the subject of untold prayers. I’m telling you right now: You’re young [and you feel] bullet-proof and invincible. [But] never underestimate the power of other people’s love and prayer. They have incredible power. It’s as if I’ve been carried on the shoulders of an entire army. And they had made me weightless.
Rest in peace, Tony Snow (1955-2008). Condolences to his family and loved ones.
Ain’t nuthin like one’s imminent death t’ git one focused on Ultimate Things. I pray, and in Christ I really do trust, ‘at ol’ Tony finally came t’ grips with the moral compromise one must commit to become the press secretary, especially a press secretary under someone like the execrable Shrub.
Somehow I than he did come t’ grips with it, but outta loyalty just kept silent.
There is no defendin’ the Shrub Administration. None wutsoever. Just as there will be no defendin’ a Mequeno or an Obamessiah administation.
“Vanity of vanities, all is vanity.” Ol’ Tony knows.