It bears repeating: Any effort to rebuild Colorado’s Republican Party that’s done in a strictly top-down fashion is destined to failure. In that spirit, Joshua Sharf makes an excellent case (echoed at Rocky Mountain Right) for pursuing a 65-district statehouse strategy going into 2010. I can’t add anything more at this point than a simple and hearty, “Let’s do it.”
Other must-reads: John Andrews has some sobering reflections, and Night Twister offers some hard advice.
While there are many tasks before us, I believe all of them must be imbued with the mission of reclaiming the mantel of fiscal conservatism – or as Mark Hillman puts it, to once again become “the party of freedom”.
I am not a Republican. I am a Conservative.
I do not stand for a political party. I stand for the United States of America.
Thank you for your time.