Thanks for those who tuned in to News Talk 1310 KFKA this morning to hear my inaugural guest host appearance on the Amy Oliver Show. For those who want more information on the guests and some of the topics discussed:
- Alan Gottlieb of the Public Education and Business Coalition edits the HeadFirst Colorado blog, which covers a range of education reform issues. Today we talked about the latest on the Bruce Randolph autonomy proposal, including union officials’ latest delaying tactic, which Alan also posted on today. There’s also a great story from yesterday on the topic at Face the State.
- I posted on the news of the rapidly growing estimates of revenue from the Governor’s property tax hike at the Colorado Taxpayers blog. Other stories cited were the Greeley Tribune‘s coverage of a possible transportation tax and fee increase and the Pueblo Chieftain‘s reporting that the Democrats are trying to tone down talk of further tax hikes.
- Mike Reitz, director of labor policy at the Evergreen Freedom Foundation, joined me to discuss Washington state’s experiences with state employee collective bargaining in light of Colorado Gov. Bill Ritter’s recent unionization executive order, highlighted in Sunday’s Denver Post. Mike also blogs at Liberty Live.
You can also check out the Independence Institute website or new “Caldara, the cauldron” blog for more information.
sorry I missed it. I just set my RSS reader again and added you so I won’t stop missing good stuff!