Today’s lead editorial in the Wall Street Journal puts our five-year-long war in Iraq in perspective – surveying where we’ve come from, where we are today, and what the near future portends. The editorial, which deserves perusal from beginning to end, concludes:
In our March 18, 2003 editorial on the eve of Iraq’s liberation, we supported the war while noting that “toppling Saddam is a long-term undertaking” and “the U.S. has never been good at nation-building.” We wish we had been wrong on both counts, but our view has always been that nations shouldn’t begin wars they don’t intend to win. And newspapers don’t endorse wars only to walk away when the fighting gets difficult. The U.S. sacrifice in Iraq has been honorable, our soldiers have fought superbly, and the best way — the only way — to honor both is to leave Iraq in victory.
Those who disagree with the last sentence are slowly being revealed as the radical fringe they are. They continue to ignore the success of “The Surge” and General Petraeus’ innovative counter-insurgency strategy. There are many other Americans, however, who are not beyond persuasion.
Perhaps they will get a glimpse of the coverage of the Vets for Freedom National Heroes Tour (H/T Michelle Malkin) as the noble band continues to roll from coast to coast. My only regret is the Tour won’t be coming to Colorado.
But El Presidente has the local scoop, with a grand roundup of the 5th anniversary in Colorado – including poignant stories, tales of heroism, news of soaring re-enlistments out of “duty to country,” and a reminder of the face of the local anti-war movement.
With so many other distractions swirling around us – from the frivolous to the often serious – it’s easy to forget about a far-off place in Iraq now that the stabilizing country has mostly disappeared off the front pages of media outlets. I appreciated these reminders today, and I hope you will, too.
Seems we got sum sorta disagreement here:,_what_have_we_won
Wherein exactly lies the disagreement? It seems Ms. West is inserting the helpful reminder that caution is to be exercised in our expectations for what can be achieved.