Saturday was a bad day at the bowling alley in Altoona, Pa., for Barack Obama, who rolled an improbably bad 37:
“My economic plan is better than my bowling,” Obama told fellow bowlers Saturday.
“It has to be,” a man called out.
Obama let everyone know he hadn’t bowled since Jimmy Carter was president — and finished with a score of 37….
Somewhere in all that, I think Obama or the reporter got the facts mixed up. I think his economic plan is reminiscent of Jimmy Carter.
I’m not even sure where the bowling fits in exactly. But as one who spent two years of my life in central Pennsylvania – I even attended a minor league Altoona Curve baseball game once – I can tell you that such abject failure at the lanes is not liable to win you respect in that part of the country.
Byron York over at The Corner agrees. And fellow Samsphere attendee Fred Dooley highlights Barack Obama’s attire, which only underscores the lousy 37 to blue-collar Pennsylvanians: “Dude, take off the tie.”
Apparently, it got even worse for the former parishioner of Rev. Jeremiah Wright, as the seemingly friendly media terrain of MSNBC reports that Pennsylvanians are finding his “charm offensive.” Look, there’s no easy way to charm your way out of bowling a 37 in Altoona. I don’t care if your name is Barack Obama.
And to think, 37 used to be my lucky number.
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