A source in El Paso County tells me that this Saturday’s John McCain-Sarah Palin event in Colorado Springs has long since exhausted its 10,000 ticket supply and has put thousands more on waiting lists. I’m told this is bigger than President George W. Bush’s appearance in Colorado Springs in 2004 – not surprisingly, as the conservative base has received its biggest jolt of inspiration since Ronald Reagan was running for President.
Also, remember in last night’s speech when Sarah Palin pointed out that her husband is a member of the United Steelworkers Union? Today, National Right to Work sends an open letter to Todd Palin informing him that he is inadvertently helping to fund attacks against his wife but can get some of that money back. This might get some media attention.
Big Labor … hmmm. Is that another reform effort Sarah Palin will lead?
GREAT catch Ben. This needs traction, the USS Workers website devoted an entire page to liberal tripe and mind reading/projection on McCain.
It is amazing to me how people can ascribe motives to people..”Put a woman on the ticket, he cynically figured, and he’d garner disgruntled supporters of unsuccessful Democratic candidate Sen. Hillary Clinton.”
talk about a “shrill” the article made my skin crawl.