The warped, whiny, politically correct victim culture has reached a new milestone of insanity:
A homosexual man who has a blog on Sen. Barack Obama’s campaign website is suing two major Christian publishers for violating his constitutional rights and causing emotional pain, because the Bible versions they publish refer to homosexuality as a sin.
Bradley LaShawn Fowler, 39, of Canton, Mich., is seeking $60 million from Zondervan and another $10 million from Thomas Nelson Publishing in lawsuits filed in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan, the Grand Rapids Press reported.
I’m sure if he goes judge-shopping long enough, Mr. Fowler the Barack Obama blogger may even find one who agrees with him that scholarly translations of sacred texts should be obliterated if they cause offense. News flash: The Holy Scriptures and the Christ they tell us about are an offense and a stumbling block to people everywhere determined to live their own way – including Mr. Fowler’s hubris to think that he has unveiled a biblical interpretation that has eluded scholars for centuries.
In this showdown of Leftist lunatic zealotry vs. religious freedom and common sense, there’s every reason to believe the latter will prevail. But as a Right Wing News blogger observed:
Christians are advised to find secure places to store Bibles, where they will be safe from authorities after the book has been banned for failing to comply with the one true commandment: There is no god but moonbattery, and Obama is its prophet.
Wow. Simply wow.
Guess Mr. Fowler has a problem with ‘diversity of thought’ and the concept of ‘free speech’.
Being gay is a sin,if gay