I’m really not ready to talk about the race for governor in 2010. Yes, I believe Bill Ritter is a vulnerable incumbent, and the Republicans have a real shot if they play it right. I agree with Rocky Mountain Right: Tom Tancredo isn’t the answer. And I’m taking a wait-and-see attitude about John Elway.
As of today, here’s my leading choice.
But let’s finish this Election strong first, and think about 2010 later.
Tancredo should be the first choice for 2010 governor run – CO needs him now more than ever. I hope he considers it. After the Voorhis lawsuit by Ritter, Tancredo is the man!
According to the website LovelandPolitics.com, Dick Wadhams is talking to Don Marostica from loveland to run for gov.
Marostica said to people I know in the legislature he can put in his own million and raise another million from businesses around the state. That makes him attractive to party folks because he can raise his own bucks.
From what that site says he is a scary guy and not really republican. Looks like he support drivers lic. for illegals and has the lowest rating from CUT in the state house.
Anybody ever heard of this guy?