No doubt the political season is upon us, and the hypocrisy of large special interest groups is on display. Nowhere is this more true in our state than with the political group Protect Colorado’s Future. Their spokesman said in an interview last week with Channel 7:
“When you have these out-of-state, or narrow corporate interests trying to divide Coloradans, it’s bad for all Colorado,” said Jess Knox, wearing a pin that says, “No on 47, 49 and 54.”
So Protect Colorado’s Future wants to make a big deal out of “out-of-state” campaign funds? Well, as Face The State points out today:
It’s no secret that out-of-state money is flooding Colorado from both sides. In the unions’ case, the out-of state money is coming from the pockets of hard-working union workers across the country, who most likely are unknowingly funding a ballot fight in Colorado they probably don’t care about.
Meanwhile, individuals who aren’t forced to give political contributions through their union dues can contribute to any campaign willingly and intentionally. If Knox is going to the be critical of “narrow†out-of-state interests playing ball in Colorado politics, than he need not look further than his own employer. Protect Colorado’s Future has seen 98 percent of its $3.3 million in contributions since March come from unions, and 67 percent, or $2.2 million, came from out of state. [emphasis added]
The three measures Protect Colorado’s Future opposes are:
- Amendment 47: gives workers the choice whether or not to pay union fees
- Amendment 49: prohibits governments from collecting and bundling money for political special interest groups and lobbyists
- Amendment 54: cleans up the government no-bid contract process
Protect Colorado’s Future likely has raised as much or more money from out of state than have supporters of the 3 initiatives it’s fighting combined. And talk about narrow interests: the overwhelming amount of money taken in by Protect Colorado’s Future has come automatically (and in some cases involuntarily) from worker’s paychecks in different states to thwart worker’s freedom and clean government in Colorado.
This hypocrisy is just the latest development from Protect Colorado’s Future, which earlier was called out both by 9News and CBS4Denver for probably the most deceptive ad of the political season.
Thanks to Face The State for highlighting the latest in the attempt by out-of-state special interests to preserve their power and privileges at we the people’s expense.
(Full disclosure: I also happen to work for the Independence Institute, which has provided the intellectual ammunition behind Amendment 49 – the Ethical Standards Initiative.)
ABC13 in the Springs has also called out the Colorado Future people for misleading ads, too.
I blogged that, too…
Something, isn’t it? The level of deception this group will sink to?
It’s something, alright.