Apparently, “experienced” Joe Biden doesn’t know much about the high office of vice president he is running to fill. My first-year law school friend Tyler at Constructively Reasonable has the details (and as Tyler points out, so do the legal minds at the Volokh Conspiracy). So does the Washington Times. A man who has been in the U.S. Senate for 35 years could be so ignorant about how our federal government works?
What if it had been Sarah Palin who had made the gaffe? You can imagine the mainstream media reports would be swift, harsh, and unforgiving. But since it’s Slow Joe Biden at the Wilmington, Delaware Home Depot, representing their favored Democratic Party ticket, for the most part there’s been nothing but the sounds of crickets chirping.
Maybe because many in the MSM are themselves ignorant about our Constitution. David Gergen at CNN says Biden’s debate performance showed him to be “extremely well informed”.
Another piece of evidence suggesting Sarah Palin may be MORE qualified to be vice president than Joe Biden. That, and the 14 lies Biden told at last night’s debate, as pointed out by Jim at Thinking Right.
For the record, I’m a second year student now.
Also, when Biden mentioned that he hung out the at the Home Depot, I imagine he is one of those lost old men you find there. They wander the aisles, playing with random power tools. They talk about their project, but it never gets done. Then, they lay out $25 for some tool they will never use, go home, and take a nap.
Sorry to mistakenly demote you. It’s a clear sign what an old man I’m becoming when I lose track of time like that.
I think your assessment of Biden vis a vis Home Depot may just be spot on.
Yes… and it is really becoming scary to see that apparently MUCH of America apparently has no basic understanding of our constitution and the foundations of our freedom.
“Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people… of the characters and conduct of their rulers.” John Adams