Since I have several commenters here who insist upon trafficking in rumor and innuendo about Republican vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin, I feel impelled to post a couple useful links:
– “Sliming Palin”
– Pajamas Media: “Separating Palin Fact from Palin Fiction”
And yes, I know that Sarah Palin didn’t always oppose the “Bridge to Nowhere” and did accept earmarked federal funds years ago as Wasilla mayor, though she ended up strongly (and has remained) on the right side of the issue. Alaskans have taken for granted that Palin is responsible for killing the “Bridge to “Nowhere” (until very recently, even the Alaska Democratic Party even acknowledged as much on their website).
Besides, do Barack Obama and Joe Biden really want to make an issue of Palin’s maturing opinion, in light of the larger context of her undeniable reform record as Alaska Governor and the fact that both Obama and Biden both voted to earmark money for the “Bridge to Nowhere” instead of hurricane relief.
The Left’s tactics have backfired. It only remains to be seen whether they have learned their lesson, or whether they want to keep baling water on their candidate’s sinking ship.
‘L, it may be th’ case in-iss here instance that might need t’ lurn th’ meanin’ of “the devil’s in th’ details”, cuz thar’s a lot more fact-checkin’ that needs to be done here, ‘pparently, as I note in new comments to this-here blog entry of yirs:
Ol’ S. Jones may be “slow lurnin'”, but thin agin th’ ohnly thang I argued in-att discussion is-att “she’s got *at least* some kinda palecon leanin’”. That’s clear, I thank, from her friendly address t’ th’ “nutters” at th’ AIP, from her association with Buchanan (wutever-att turns out t’ be), ‘n from her kind words ’bout Ron Paul, documented here:
(And Paul’s a “Nazi sympathizer” too, doncha know.)
Seems-ta me th’ ohnly slow lurners ‘r those who dohn’t see that Palin likely has certain paleocon symputhies.
BTW, the pajamas media blog entry sez-att Buchanan supports Obama.
Izzat so? Source please.
If’n PM kin be so radically wrong in this here assertion, it kin probably be radically wrong elsewhere.
Which means-att yir citing it authoritatively is probly amiss.