After last night’s amazing speech, I’m jealous. Alaska, you can have Bill Ritter. Can we have Sarah Palin? Then I thought, in a few months she has a very good chance of being our vice-president. I’ll settle for that.
Interestingly, the Denver Post reports today about Gov. Ritter’s lackluster speaking performance at last week’s Democratic National Convention. A broken teleprompter appears to have been part of his problem. It seems Sarah Palin faced the same teleprompter problems, but went on unfazed to deliver a homerun. Could the same be said of Bill Ritter – or for that matter, Barack Obama – when they’re off teleprompter?
Broken teleprompter or not, I like this take from Michael at Best Destiny:
But let me just leave this first impression: the Bewitching Mrs. Best Destiny, who has the most active Bull S%*! alarm I’ve ever seen (a fact which has caused me no small amount of consternation over the years), and who, because of that, has almost no tolerance at all for politicians, WAS RIVETED by Sarah Palin tonight.
I was an easy sell–I wanted her to succeed; my wife had no stake in it, and loved what she saw.
This morning, Lefties are either suffering some serious heartburn, or in a terrible state of denial.
I find it very strange that so many Republicans have become enamored of a women who made John McCain’ own “pork list” *three* times for pulling in $27 million dollars of federal taxpayers money for a town of 6700, including $15 million to build a commuter rail for those 6700 people; was *for* the Bridge to Nowhere before she was “against it”, taking the money but not spending it on a bridge; and who addressed the Alaskan Independence Party convention – a party which wanted to secede from the United States and which her husband was a member of for almost 10 years – in each of the last 2 election cycles.
Does the fact that she’s against abortion in any circumstances, including when the mother’s life is endangered, make up for the fact that she’s a pork-addicted secessionist-sympathizer? Or is the fact that she thinks Iraq was a “mission from God”?
Thanks for your concern, Brer Rabbit. You read the partisan Democrat talking points well.
Oh, and by the way, the singular for “women” is actually “woman.”
So are you disputing the facts? Or do I just get a grammar lesson?
What do you think of the $27 million her lobbyist – former Ted Stevens chief of staff and lobbyist for Jack Abramoff, Steven Silver – got for her? Even stranger, Silver was mentioned in McCain’s own investigation into Abramoff’s wrongdoings!
What was McCain thinking? Does her extreme opposition to abortion, which places her way outside the mainstream, wipe out the fact that she was part of the very same problems McCain bragged about “solving” during his speech tonight?
BTW, if Jon Caldara finds out she got a $15 million earmark for *commuter rail* I’m sure he’ll take a principled stand against her, as he did against FastTracks. Maybe you should let him know.
Maybe you should provide links and/or footnotes, not from Daily Kos, HuffPo, or Democratic Underground. Do you have proof of corruption? Or are you just pointing out that Palin hasn’t been 100 percent perfect since the day she took public office? I think I’ll keel over and die!!
What were the Democrats thinking when they nominated Obama, whose loyalty to abortion-on-demand extends to infants born alive, placing him way out of the mainstream?
First of all, I’m not Jon Caldara. But when did he ever say that a candidate’s stance on the issue of earmarks for commuter rail was of predominant importance? You act as if choosing a major candidate for office is a “principled” decision for someone with whom you agree 100%? Do you support every issue, every facet, of every candidate whom you also support?
Quit being a moron. And admit to being the partisan Democrat that you are. McCain and Obama both have problems and things I disagree with, as I’m sure you could say the same if you would really try to be honest. Overall, I’ll take McCain/Palin over Obama/Biden, though. A decision rooted in facts, reality, and personal philosophy.
Incidentally, I have no doubt that you’d take McCain/Palin over Obama/Biden. I just think it says a lot about today’s Republican Party that they can choose a Vice President who is indicative of the very problems the Presidential candidate claims to have solved, and everyone thinks its the greatest choice ever! Not only that, but she runs on her “record” as a reformer! To paraphrase Bill Clinton, It’s the hypocrisy stupid!
“But when did he ever say that a candidate’s stance on the issue of earmarks for commuter rail was of predominant importance?”
Caldera isn’t against commuter rail? Does he routinely vote for candidates who appear to be serial wasters of taxpayers money? I’m sort of under the impression that he doesn’t. I could be wrong though.
I’m not sure any of my posts with links to the evidence made it through, its not saying they’re awaiting moderation. I have to run to work, so if they don’t make it I’ll try and reconstitute them in a way that satisfies wordpress this afternoon.
Ben, there is something wrong with your comment system. This is the fourth time I’ve tried to enter a post with URL’s in it and they don’t show up as awaiting moderation. I’m going to try one last time pasting each URL individually in the hopes that works, but otherwise I’m afraid I’ve done enough research for the RNC today.
“Thanks for your concern, Brer Rabbit. You read the partisan Democrat talking points well.”
That secesh thang, tho – ain’t that a GOP tawkin’ point too? I wud thank it is, ye bein’ the “Party of Lincoln” n’ all.
But see, ol’ Todd Palin’s probably closer t’ a Confederaratarian — or at leas’ a classical conservative — thin y’all are, which is why it’s necessary to downplay it.