When this morning I wrote "Any effort to rebuild Colorado’s Republican Party that’s done in a strictly top-down fashion is destined to failure", I hadn't yet seen Patrick Ruffini's post "Change Won't Come from the Top Down". Great minds think alike? Remotely possible. Anyway, if you share this point of view, and are a conservative interested in doing your part to help rebuild the GOP, may I recommend you sign up to join this site and get involved in the conversation. … [Read more...]
Archives for November 2008
Rebuilding Colorado’s GOP: The Good Advice Keeps Pouring In
It bears repeating: Any effort to rebuild Colorado's Republican Party that's done in a strictly top-down fashion is destined to failure. In that spirit, Joshua Sharf makes an excellent case (echoed at Rocky Mountain Right) for pursuing a 65-district statehouse strategy going into 2010. I can't add anything more at this point than a simple and hearty, "Let's do it." Other must-reads: John Andrews has some sobering reflections, and Night Twister offers some hard advice. While there are many tasks before us, I believe all of them must be imbued with the mission of reclaiming the mantel of fiscal conservatism - or as Mark Hillman puts it, to once again become "the party of freedom". … [Read more...]
What I’m Thankful for #4: Spiritual Mentors
This is one in a series of daily posts I conceived of writing many weeks ago while the election still raged on, as I looked for something to write about of more lasting value. The weeks leading up to Thanksgiving seemed perfectly appropriate for it. Just in case you wondered, the topics introduced are not necessarily in any particular order. I hope the series is of some small encouragement to you, even as my site traffic takes a dive. When you're young and foolish - well, you're young and foolish. The spiritual influence of my parents (the topic of a future thankfulness post) was real, but wouldn't suffice by itself. I am thankful for the influence of non-family spiritual mentors during my teenage, college, and young adult years. I can … [Read more...]
Come See Michelle Malkin Headline I.I. Founders’ Night this Thursday
From the Independence Institute website:Join Us For The 24th Annual Founders' Night Thursday, November 13, 2008 Donald R. Seawell Grand Ballroom Denver Center for the Performing Arts 6:00 p.m. Patron Reception (Table Sponsors & their guests & Patron Ticket Purchasers Only) Individual Ticket purchasers may check-in at 6:45 p.m 7:00 p.m. Dinner Click Here for a Map of the Area Tickets: $150 Dinner;$250 Patron; $2,000 Bronze Table; $3,000 Silver Table; $5,000 Gold Table; $10,000 Platinum Table … [Read more...]
What I’m Thankful for #3: Modern Medicine
This is one in a series of daily posts I conceived of writing many weeks ago while the election still raged on, as I looked for something to write about of more lasting value. The weeks leading up to Thanksgiving seemed perfectly appropriate for it. Just in case you wondered, the topics introduced are not necessarily in any particular order. I hope the series is of some small encouragement to you, even as my site traffic takes a dive. I love to study history, which makes me all the more grateful to live in the times we do. No epoch in human history has been without its share of troubles of various kinds - and ours is no exception - but I feel profoundly blessed by the advent and continual development of modern medicine. Why? Because … [Read more...]
What I’m Thankful For #2: Freedom of Worship
This is one in a series of daily posts I conceived of writing many weeks ago while the election still raged on, as I looked for something to write about of more lasting value. The weeks leading up to Thanksgiving seemed perfectly appropriate for it. Just in case you wondered, the topics introduced are not necessarily in any particular order. I hope the series is of some small encouragement to you, even as my site traffic takes a dive. Human beings are hard-wired to worship. What we choose to worship is a day-by-day, moment-by-moment decision. There's an ongoing battle in human hearts for whom or what will receive our worship. Ultimately, no human government or other authority can dictate or regulate this most fundamental form of … [Read more...]
Terrance Carroll, Josh Penry: Good Choices for Statehouse Leadership
Colorado soon will have a black Speaker of the House to go along with a black Senate President (Peter Groff). The Denver Post reports today that the Democratic caucus in the state house has thrown its support behind Denver's Terrance Carroll to replace Andrew Romanoff in one of the state's highest political positions. Moving beyond race, Carroll is someone with whom I obviously have many political disagreements. However, on the issue of school choice that I care about deeply, he is as good as the Democratic caucus has to offer. I feel a little better about the hope for defending and advancing gains in educational freedom with him at the helm than with the alternatives. But we'll remain diligent at our post. In other news, Republicans … [Read more...]
What I’m Thankful for #1: The Legacy of My Grandparents
This is one in a series of daily posts I conceived of writing many weeks ago while the election still raged on, as I looked for something to write about of more lasting value. The weeks leading up to Thanksgiving seemed perfectly appropriate for it. Just in case you wondered, the topics introduced are not necessarily in any particular order. I hope the series is of some small encouragement to you, even as my site traffic takes a dive. I am thankful for the legacy of my grandparents, not nearly as much a material legacy as one of character and fond memories. Not much more can be said about my Grandpa DeGrow, about whom I posted exactly one year ago to the day, on the 100th anniversary of his birth. (But I do invite you to read it, if you … [Read more...]
And a Few More Bright Spots for Colorado and U.S. Conservatives
It's the morning after... El Presidente has some amusing video reactions to last night's election results. Meanwhile, both Joshua Sharf (who ran a valiant race in an overwhelmingly Democratic district) and Rocky Mountain Right highlight the bright spots for Colorado conservatives. I concur with their lists, but let me add one more small bright spot in Colorado. The State Board of Education lost GOP chairman Pam Suckla - a Bill Ritter apologist - and gained common-sense conservative Marcia Neal, giving an effective Board majority that the Colorado Education Association can't be terribly happy with. Especially if Bob Schaffer is selected as the next chairman. At the national level, the good news is that Republicans may have … [Read more...]
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