I haven’t commented much on the Republican primary in Colorado’s 6th Congressional District, but I wrote in a post two weeks ago:
The primary race for the safe Republican seat now appears to be mainly between Coffman and State Senator Ted Harvey.
I’ve been aware of the word on the street (and in the press) that Wil Armstrong, son of former U.S. Senator Bill Armstrong, was interested in throwing his hat into the ring. But not having sources that could confirm any activity coming from that corner, I didn’t give attention to his candidacy.
Until yesterday, that is, when I received a Thanksgiving card from the Wil Armstrong family with a friendly message on the inside and a family portrait on the front. Nothing overtly political about the card at all. Even so, two key facts are worth considering here: 1) I’ve never met Wil Armstrong or any member of his immediate family; and 2) I don’t live in the 6th Congressional District.
I’m not sure what list my name and address came from to receive this card, though I could venture a few guesses. For now, I’ll consider it a friendly introduction.
But perhaps it’s also a subtle indication that Armstrong is a serious contender for the 6th Congressional District. And perhaps he or someone close to him has read this blog (after all, it was exactly 18 months ago I published a report on the Republican State Assembly written by his then 11-year-old daughter Elizabeth) and wants to see more attention. Well, if so, it worked.
I stand a bit afar from events in the 6th to handicap the race too well. Will it be Secretary of State Mike Coffman, State Senator Ted Harvey, State Senator Steve Ward, or Armstrong? With such a short timeline to caucus and the assembly, along with a crowded and well-qualified field, I’m not brave enough to venture any predictions. Maybe a conservative blogger who lives in the 6th can give more insight.
For now, I’ll just graciously accept the warm Thanksgiving wishes from the Wil Armstrong family.
For Starters: Happy Thanksgiving, and what a great Christmas season this is going to be! All the best to all your readers!
At the beginning of this month, Douglas County held it’s annual Chairman’s club meeting. Three of the four candidates/potential candidates were in attendance: Coffman, Harvey, Armstrong. If Ward was there, I did not see him and he was not announced. The three that were there definitely had a lot of conversations regarding the race.
Staying as neutral as possible, I will provide what insights I have, based on mumbles and grumbles of those in my circles.
It is well known that many party officials do not want Coffman to run for CD-6. Assuming he wins, he will have to retire his post as S.O.S., thus turning the seat over to a Democrat (to be appointed by Ritter). Two things could really happen here. If Coffman resigns prior to 2008 elections, there will be a special election in 2008 for the S.O.S post, and thus a chance to elect a Republican temporarily, until the term is up in 2010. If Coffman decides on job security, and holds the seat until he wins CD-6, the post will get a Ritter appointment. Needless to say, the state party and other elected officials have asked him not to run, but he is definitely in… and he has the popularity to come out ahead.
Ted Harvey should not be counted out. He is the favorite by many of the big names in the CD-6 counties. If he leaves his seat, Douglas County will ensure that another Republican take his place. Those that may not otherwise like him as a candidate for CD-6 may be inclined to support him over Coffman to protect the S.O.S seat.
And Armstrong seems poised to knuckle down and get into this race. He has a long way to go to get the nomination, but his recent actions surely show signs of CD-6 ambitions. He definitely has the funds to run, and there is obviously some support… However, I would put him at a distant second place (to the Coffman / Harvey tie for first), mainly because he has never been elected into office. Of course he has experience with campaigns, and the name recognition and notoriety of his father…
One other factor that one must consider in this contest: Who does Tom Tancredo support?
The answer? Only Tom knows!
One amendment… Steve Ward was mentioned as a candidate in absentia. It was noted that he was in the Iraqi battlefield, where he will be until returning to Colorado in January. This late return will almost certainly require him to petition onto the ballot. His current situation puts him at a huge disadvantage, but he may come out strong once he returns from war…