In his latest Townhall column, George Will tackles the problem many union leaders have employing force rather than seeking favor:
Democracy is rule by persuasion, but the unpersuasive often try to coerce the unpersuaded. Recent days have provided two illustrations of this tendency, both of them pertaining to labor unions, whose decades of declining membership testify to their waning power to persuade workers that unions add more value to workers’ lives than they subtract.
Will devotes much of his column to the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision in the Davenport case. I won’t retread that issue now (previous Mount Virtus coverage featured here), except to say you can tune in at 10 o’clock this morning local Denver time to the Mike Rosen Show to hear me discuss the decision and its possible ramifications for Colorado with guest host (and my boss) Jon Caldara. Nice segue, huh?
I did catch some of your program today. Thank you for the hard work you have done on this issue. I did not know about the Supreme Court ruling until I heard you this morning. It sounds like a fabulous ruling for the rights of union workers!