First they came in the form of a morning fax. Then mass emails became the medium of choice. Instant messages were attempted, briefly used, then discarded. Eventually talk turned to telepathic messages delivered through implanted neurochips. But now, we may never see them, with word leaked from the White House today:
Karl Rove, President Bush’s close friend and chief political strategist, plans to leave the White House at the end of August, joining a lengthening line of senior officials heading for the exits in the final 1 1/2 years of the administration.
A longtime member of Bush’s inner circle, Rove was nicknamed ”the architect” by the president for designing the strategy that twice won him the White House.
Notably omitted from the story, however, were references to the daily talking points delivered electronically to thousands of Republican automatons like myself. How blogging endeavors like mine can possibly survive, much less thrive, come September 1 remains to be seen.
Then again, this announcement may be little more than a clever ruse to put keen, hard-working Leftists off the trail for awhile. We may yet continue to receive our daily doses of Vast Right Wing Conspiracy propaganda to keep us all on the same page.
(Oh, you know someone at the Daily Kos was thinking it, and may in fact have already written it. Yes, I already feel a tinge of shame for helping to feed the paranoia. But I needed some way to spice up a Monday morning.)
you funny!