Pertaining to the Republican race to replace Tom Tancredo in the 6th Congressional District, my earlier observations were confirmed: Secretary of State Mike Coffman indeed is in, and State Senator Tom Wiens is out (from a press release mailed out this morning): Colorado state Sen. Tom Wiens, R-Castle Rock, announced today that he will seek re-election to a second term in the Colorado State Senate and will not be a candidate for the sixth congressional seat being vacated by retiring Republican Congressman Tom Tancredo. "I believe I can have a more positive impact on the future of Colorado by continuing to serve in the State Senate than by being a member of Congress," Wiens said. "This has become even more clear to me given the events of … [Read more...]
Archives for November 2007
Dedicated to My Grandpa, 100 Years from His Birth
Though it coincides with the 2007 election, I'm taking a break from politics to commemorate this special day. Today - November 6, 2007 - would be my grandfather's 100th birthday, were he still alive. A full century ago today, my Grandpa was welcomed to this earth. I didn't know him until he was over 70 years old, but only as time has passed have I come to appreciate him more fully. My Grandpa was a man with a tremendous work ethic and incredible moral character. He was honest to a fault. Faced with many difficulties, he showed remarkable loyalty and fidelity to his family. He saved his money, and used it wisely. Yet he was very generous, always willing to help his family or his neighbors. I never knew what to get him for Christmas. He … [Read more...]
Ritter Calls for Climate Fearmongering in Every Classroom
Mere days after stepping into a major political mess, Gov. Ritter announced an ambitious plan to tackle the problem of global warming. Perhaps he aspires to win the Nobel Prize. More studied individuals than myself can break down the economic costs of his proposals, and I look forward to seeing those analyses. For now, though, I wanted to focus on one aspect of Ritter's 33-page "Climate Change Action Plan": Climate curricula. The state will work through the Governor’s P-20 Education Council and others to make sustainability curricula become standard fare in K-12 classrooms throughout the state. Today’s students will be living in a warmer climate resulting from the activities of previous generations. They need to understand the … [Read more...]
Ritter Spokesman Stumbles to Explain Major Union Payback
The union bag man Gov. "Jimmy Hoffa" Ritter's spokesman Evan Dreyer made a reluctant appearance on the Mike Rosen Show this morning with guest host Jon Caldara. Confronted with the issues surrounding Friday's Big Labor payback, Dreyer hemmed and hawed around the questions. This is a must listen: follow the link, and listen to Rosen Replay 11/5/07 11-11:45 AM. It begins about a third of the way into the recording. There may be little doubt about why Ritter released this executive order in a Friday afternoon press release - and got called on it by the Denver Post - but you have to wonder what finally gave the governor's crew enough courage to come out in the light of day and defend the massive policy change in a confrontational setting. … [Read more...]
Welcome, Big Labor Bill
In light of union bag man Gov. Bill Ritter's recent political leap into the arms of union bosses, we welcome the new Web site Big Labor Bill - "a Big Labor loving blog that loves Bill Ritter for screwing over the business community and Colorado for a pay back to big labor." Check it out. … [Read more...]
Post and Bill Ritter: A Classic Case of Endorsement Remorse?
You've read about the editors of the Denver Post assailing Gov. Ritter for his cowardly, pro-union executive order? Talk about eating your words: His successor must have a clear vision for Colorado, advancing the state's economy while protecting its natural resources. He must have the will to seek bipartisan solutions with a divided legislature and a restless business community. He needs firm resolve that won't wilt under political pressures. He must see government as a force to advance the health and education of Coloradans. And, in this perilous time, to safeguard our borders from enemies, drug runners and the risks of natural disaster. He must be ready to crack down on illegal immigration while laying out a welcome mat for … [Read more...]
Post: Our Jimmy Hoffa governor, Bill Ritter, the union bag man
What a pleasant surprise to find a strongly-worded editorial on the front page of today's reliably center-left Denver Post, condemning Gov. Bill Ritter for his cowardly Friday order in benefit of a narrow interest group at the expense of Coloradans who elected him to office last year. I almost could have written it myself. Without further ado, here goes: When Coloradans elected Bill Ritter as governor, they thought they were getting a modern-day version of Roy Romer, a pro-business Democrat. Instead, they got Jimmy Hoffa. "Our Jimmy Hoffa governor, Bill Ritter" ... It has a nice ring to it. Ritter campaigned under the guise of a moderate "new Democrat" but now we know he's simply a toady to labor bosses and the old vestiges of his party … [Read more...]
Readers Might Consider Poll on GOP Evangelicals Meaningless
I would be lying to say I didn't find poll results like this a little disconcerting: "More than half of GOP evangelicals might consider third-party candidate" if the Republicans nominate Giuliani for President. Except when you look at it closely, it doesn't really say that much. If you threw a party and ordered food based on the number who said they might consider attending, you very well could end up begging guests to take large portions of the leftovers home, or end up putting a lot in the freezer afterwards. Perhaps a more meaningful headline would have read: "Nearly half of GOP evangelicals won't even consider bolting the party, regardless of nominee." That's debatable, I suppose. Regardless, short of a real and specific … [Read more...]