The latest from the jockeying to replace Tom Tancredo in the 6th Congressional District ... An insider source tells me that high-ranking party officials met with Secretary of State Mike Coffman yesterday in an attempt to dissuade him from entering the primary. Should Coffman resign, Gov. Ritter gets to appoint his replacement - figured to be Senate Majority Leader Ken Gordon, whom Coffman defeated in the statewide election last November. The fox then would be guarding the electoral henhouse. Coffman's great initiative to ensure all Colorado voters have valid identification? If he leaves office to run, you can be sure it won't be a top priority for Gordon. But Coffman sees things differently, I'm told. Scorned by the GOP leadership … [Read more...]
Archives for October 2007
We’ll Miss You, Rick
The Rocky Mountain News reports today what was first news to me a couple weeks ago: former Congressional candidate and rising GOP star Rick O'Donnell is moving to Texas to take on a new career challenge. I first met Rick shortly after I moved to Colorado, while he was working in Governor Owens' office. Though it's highly doubtful he remembers our meeting, some of his advice and suggestions were very helpful to me to help get my roots established and to make important contacts. I later had opportunity to interact with him in several education policy-related venues, and volunteered on his unsuccessful 2006 campaign for the 7th Congressional District. The timing of Rick's run for Congress was unfortunate, as he got swept up in a … [Read more...]
Republican Field to Replace Tancredo Begins to Line Up
With Rep. Tom Tancredo announcing he will not seek re-election in Colorado's 6th Congressional District, the scuttlebutt begins about which candidate will rise to the top to secure this safe Republican seat. According to the Rocky Mountain News, former Lt. Governor Jane Norton and former State Senate President John Andrews will stick to the sidelines, as well as radio talk show host Dan Caplis (who, ironically, like Tancredo, appears to be eyeing a 2010 run against U.S. Senator Ken Salazar). On the other hand, two state legislators - Sen. Ted Harvey (who like Tancredo once worked for my employer, the Independence Institute) and Sen. Tom Wiens (who may sidestep a chance at a career on the big screen) - look to be entering the fray, along … [Read more...]
Discovering My Inner FredHead
Having taken this interesting and intuitive quiz, I have discovered that it is indeed Fred Thompson with whom I align most closely on the major issues of the day: My runners up were Duncan Hunter, John McCain, Tom Tancredo, and Ron Paul. Interestingly, the quiz results said I disagreed with both Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani on abortion. Quite a feat, I suppose. I'd be interested to see what the results are for some of my other friends - both blogging and non-blogging. … [Read more...]
Where do Colorado Dems Stand on Rangel Tax Increase?
A quick Friday morning question for Colorado farmers, ranchers, and small business owners: What does Boulder liberal Rep. Mark Udall, Democrat candidate for U.S. Senate, think about Charlie Rangel's massive tax increase proposal? What does junior U.S. Senator Ken Salazar think? What about Democrat presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton? The Wall Street Journal makes a cogent point: No one thinks his plan has a chance of becoming law this year, but its beauty is as a signal of Democratic intentions for 2009. In proposing what would be the largest tax increase in history, Mr. Rangel is showing the world what he wants the tax code to look like if Democrats run the entire government. None of the Presidential candidates will admit this before … [Read more...]
Let’s Get Real: Rox Face Uphill, But Achievable, Climb
Ouch. That hurt. Last night's 2-1 loss to the Boston Red Sox in Game 2 of the World Series was painful, but not fatal. (Regrettably, I missed most of the game, fulfilling a commitment at a Republican event that featured keynote speaker Bob Schaffer.) Nevertheless, I'm here to tell Rockies fans not to panic. The naivete many had coming into the Series is gone, but the most loyal fans know it's a one-game-at-a-time approach now. Let's be realistic: even getting the series back to Boston is an uphill goal at this point, but here's hoping that Baseball with Altitude is a lot friendlier to the home team than to the visitors. And how about a little bulletin board material (albeit from cynical sportswriters) to get the Rox fired up? See you … [Read more...]
Righty Blogs
Short on time today, a quick link will have to do rather than a full-length post. Looking for the best in conservative blogs from different states in the U.S.? Head on over to Righty Blogs, a new project of Red State. … [Read more...]
Gov. Ritter, Please Leave Partisan Politics out of Rocktober
A classic proof of "correlation does not equal causation": our Democrat Gov. Bill Ritter injects partisan politics into America's game with an off-the-wall comment about how seven of the eight 2007 Major League Baseball playoff teams hail from states with Democrat governors. Did Ritter stumble while trying to make a point with this assessment, or was it just an attempt at a joke that has fallen flat? Who obsesses over partisan politics so much that they not only have to figure out which party is in power in states where professional baseball playoff teams hail from, but also have to proclaim it to the media? To the governor and his staffers: just sit back and enjoy the games. Not everything is about partisan politics. Meanwhile, shining a … [Read more...]
Ritter’s Union Illogic
In the Sunday Denver Post point-counterpoint, a piece co-authored by SEIU union boss Mitch Ackerman asserts that Colorado state government needs a new sort of vaguely-defined union "partnership." It's an attempt to give political cover to Democrat Gov. Bill Ritter, yes. Nevertheless, you still clearly have a solution in search of a problem: A few state agencies account for their performance with measurable outcomes. We'd like to see more of that, possibly incorporated into an annual performance review. If this sounds like a strange idea coming from an employee group, it isn't. All working people like the recognition and pride that comes from doing a good job. As frontline workers and taxpayers, state employees are in a unique position … [Read more...]
Rox Win NL Pennant!!!
The Colorado Rockies secured the National League pennant tonight ... when did you ever think you'd hear these words? And after winning 21 of 22 games? Uncharted territory in Major League Baseball. W... O... W! Matt Holliday is chosen Series MVP, but it could just as well have been one of many others wearing the purple uniform. And how could you be anything but genuinely happy for Todd Helton? Simply un-be-lie-va-ble. I'm in baseball heaven now. October 14, 2006: My Detroit Tigers won 7 straight to claim the American League pennant, the franchise's first in 22 years. October 15, 2007: My Colorado Rockies won 7 straight to claim the National League pennant, the franchise's first in its 15-season history. Like last year's Tigers, … [Read more...]