Face the State has the skinny on a leading Democrat state lawmakers' campaign ethics challenges. The conservative website has uncovered evidence that the House Majority Leader exceeded campaign expenditure limits, misused campaign funds for personal purposes, has received numerous fines for repeated late paperwork filings, and more. In case you missed it earlier this week, Face the State exposed serious allegations that an ostensibly "nonpartisan" conservation group has manipulated votes to rate Democrats higher than Republicans. They're both worthwhile reads. … [Read more...]
Archives for June 2007
Newt in Denver This Week
FYI - in case you might be interested and able to attend: Dr. Malik and Seeme Hasan are hosting an afternoon reception for Newt Gingrich and his American Solutions for Winning the Future this Thursday, June 21st, to be held at the Denver Center for Performing Arts from 4:00 pm to 6:15 pm. If you're interested in listening to Newt and learning more about American Solutions, please RSVP directly to Seeme at rsvpseeme@aol.com or 970.620.0391. Reservations are required for security purposes. … [Read more...]
Rocky Lauds Davenport Decision
Excellent editorial in Saturday's Rocky Mountain News on the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision upholding individual free speech rights: It is perfectly OK to require unions to get permission from workers before spending their dues on political activity, the U.S. Supreme Court said this week in a unanimous decision. Yet when Dennis ruled that unions obtain permission annually from every member before making donations to political campaigns from their "small-donor" committees, the outcry was such you'd have thought she'd raided Fort Knox. We agreed with critics that she acted without sufficient public debate, but we never doubted the basic good sense of her decision. Nevertheless, the courts went against Dennis, with the state appeals … [Read more...]
I’m #4!
BlogNetNews has launched its rankings of the most influential Colorado political blogs, and Mount Virtus has been ranked number four. Heh. I'll keep aiming higher. Most intriguing to me is that 3 of the top 5 and 5 of the top 10 are right-leaning blogs. It's trade secrets, of course, but I'm curious what the BlogNetNews methodology is. All that being said, I will continue to wield my (great? hmm...) influence wisely and carefully. … [Read more...]
Consequences of Supporting a Property Tax Increase
What happens when you vote to jam a property tax hike down your constituents' throats? People from the other major party can't move fast enough to file the paperwork that will enable them to run against you in the next election. Just ask Rep. Bernie Buescher, D-Grand Junction: Between six and 10 local Republicans are considering a run against incumbent Rep. Bernie Buescher, D-Grand Junction, next year, according to senior members of the Mesa County Republican Party. Alan Farina, chairman of the candidate search committee, said his committee has attracted a series of serious candidates who could run against the two-term incumbent next year. “We actually have several people expressing interest,†Farina said, “some really, really … [Read more...]
SCOTUS: Individual Free Speech Trumps Union Free Speech
Michael at Best Destiny highlights yesterday's huge U.S. Supreme Court decision in favor of individual workers' free speech rights (Davenport v Washington Education Association). More information available at the Independence Institute website. The big takeaway from the case? The First Amendment free speech rights of individual workers trump the First Amendment free speech rights of unions. If you want to use a worker's money for politics, just Ask First! Michael writes: The REAL question for us here in Colorado, is how to make use of this ruling. We can be fairly certain that this state legislature will NEVER pass a law saying that unions have to get permission to use dues for politics--Big Education would have a cow! So it is … [Read more...]
Verlander Tosses No-No
What a night for Detroit Tigers fans! The reigning American League Rookie of the Year put to rest any lingering rumors of a possible sophomore slump in dominant fashion, with a stellar Comerica Park performance. Justin Verlander, the 24-year-old pride of Goochland, Va., denied the Milwaukee Brewers a single basehit in an impressive 4-0 victory tonight at Comerica Park in Detroit. Here's the bottom line: a 99 MPH heater, a wicked Uncle Charley, 112 pitches, 12 strikeouts, 4 walks, only 3 balls hit outside the infield, and one spectacular double play in the 8th inning. Drafted by the Tigers in 2004, Verlander (7-2, 2.79 ERA) recorded only the sixth no-hitter in Tigers' franchise history, the last time coming on April 7, 1984, when Jack … [Read more...]
More Lefty Silliness
Colorado's Lefties are all atwitter with having discovered the initials of the Republican 2008 candidate for U.S. Senate. When their side is stuck with the tax-and-spend record of Boulder liberal Mark Udall, I guess you have to resort to silly, juvenile distractions like this one. Oh, well. As time wears on, more adults will be choosing to support Bob Schaffer. Behind the liberal snickers lurks a clump of anxious knots in many stomachs. It may be time for some of them to find more productive uses of their time. Cross posted at Schaffer v Udall … [Read more...]
Spotlight on Arrupe Jesuit: Innovative Denver School
A great story in today's Denver Post about the innovative program at the city's Arrupe Jesuit High School. It is a private parochial institution that predominantly serves poor and Hispanic students, with significantly higher attendance and graduation rates than surrounding public schools. The success of Arrupe Jesuit (also highlighted today at the Head First blog) is tied to its innovative Corporate Work Study Program, that requires every student to spend time working entry-level, corporate jobs to provide valuable experience and to offset tuition. Per-student costs are $7,500, compared to $10,000 or more for Denver Public Schools. The report "Rethinking High School" by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation highlights Arrupe Jesuit's … [Read more...]
Schaffer Website Up
It sure seems early, but the campaign for the most competitive 2008 U.S. Senate race in the country is underway. Republican Bob Schaffer has started rallying the party faithful and commonsense independents and Democrats to his cause with his new campaign website. Check it out, donate, sign up to volunteer, whatever you're able to do: and be sure to spread the word! The race against Boulder liberal Mark Udall is on. Cross posted at Schaffer v Udall … [Read more...]