You can say that again. Frankly, Governor Ritter was left with little choice - nix the labor bill or flush away much of the rest of his agenda. Give him credit: Ritter shrewdly has taken everyone by surprise with his fatherly veto of HB 1072 ("now, now, labor & business ... you two need to stop bickering and get along"). Meanwhile, as the Lefties at SquareState are wetting themselves in anger ("What's the matter with you, Ritter? We were trying to show all the little people out there that we're on their side. After all, we know what's best for them... mushy-minded, socialist groupthink, and nannyist State worship"), a good-natured squabble ensues on the Right to take credit for the defensive victory. As the author of this little … [Read more...]
Archives for February 2007
The Gipper’s Birthday
In case you hadn't heard, today would have been the 96th birthday of President Ronald Wilson Reagan (1911 - 2004) - one of America's greatest presidents and one of the 20th century's greatest world leaders. His optimism, principled vision, and ability to communicate clearly are sorely missed. … [Read more...]
Post to Ritter: Hit the Brakes
In today's lead editorial, the Denver Post throws itself in front of the careening Colorado Democrat bus and yells out to the driver, "Stop!" The state's leading liberal newspaper implores Governor Bill Ritter not to be "a toady for special interest legislation," and instead to veto House Bill 1072. (On Sunday, Post columnist Fred Brown already highlighted what a political disaster this bill could potentially be for Ritter and the Democrats.) Making his inaugural official appearance on the Mike Rosen Show yesterday, Ritter said the legislation attacking individual workers' rights "is no big deal." That's right: the best defense for HB 1072 has become that it really won't hurt that much. All part of "The Colorado Promise," I suppose. (The … [Read more...]
GOP Legislators Unveil New Site
The Colorado Senate Republicans have launched an official online news service. Check out Colorado Senate News. Leading the news there, not surprisingly, is the breakdown on the Democrats' efforts to ram through the pro-union bill HB 1072. Speaking of HB 1072, my latest op-ed on the topic ran yesterday in the Pueblo Chieftain as a counterpoint opposite labor professor Raymond Hogler. My piece comprises the latter half of the Web page, so please scroll down if you would like to read it. … [Read more...]
Lefties and HB 1072: They Just Don’t Get It
The collectivist gang at SquareState doesn't get it, but what's new? HB 1072 a victory for workers? Are they serious? I shouldn't be terribly surprised that they don't know the difference between union bosses and the rank and file. People like this commenter are living in another century: I think some of the "business community" may overestimate how in touch they are with the mainstream of Colorado. Having a very public fight where the Republicans play their traditional role of standing up for the big guy, while Democrats slug it out for the little guy, can only help the Democrats. Just look at the Republicans put up amendment after amendment that are obviously designed to screw the union in any way possible, from full blown "right to … [Read more...]
A good, old-fashioned filibuster is going on in the Colorado Senate today as the legislative body debates House Bill 1072. Hurrah for the Republicans taking a united stand in defense of workers' rights and good business. Kudos especially to Senators Shawn Mitchell, Josh Penry, Ted Harvey, Greg Brophy, Mike Kopp, Scott Renfroe, Nancy Spence, Tom Wiens, Ron May, Ken Kester, and Steve Ward, who have carried the brunt of the debate on a LONG series of amendments designed to mitigate the negative effects of the bad legislation. It looks like they could keep this up well into the evening. Good thing to see the GOP Senate with a full-grown spine and the willingness to delay such a bad bill by shining the light so heavily on it. HB 1072: the … [Read more...]
A Chilling Irony
Whatever your opinion about climate change, you have to find this pairing of headlines in today's Denver Post to be ironic: "Report: Global warming man-made, unstoppable" The world's leading climate scientists said global warming has begun, is "very likely" caused by man, and will be unstoppable for centuries, according to a report by a group of hundreds of scientists. "Powerful cold grips Front Range" - If seven weeks of snow haven't been enough, Denver set a new record this morning for cold when the mercury dropped to 18 degrees below zero. If global warming is "man-made," then we denizens of the Rocky Mountain region must really be slacking off to lead us to such frigid temperatures. If global warming is "unstoppable," then I … [Read more...]