Marc Holtzman deserves a round applause for choosing the high road today. He has poured a lot of his life and energy and resources into this race, and things certainly did not proceed as he had hoped. No doubt, when he really started pushing his candidacy a couple years ago, this is not how he foresaw it all coming to an end.
To do what he did today was difficult, but honorable:
“Let’s have no tears,” he said at his campaign headquarters, “only memories of great experiences together.”
Holtzman said he called Congressman Bob Beauprez, his GOP rival, this morning after learning of the supreme court’s decision. Holtzman said he is endorsing Beauprez.
Give Marc some time to get away, get some R & R, get married, etc. Then let’s hope he can join Republican leaders and activists across Colorado in working for Bob Beauprez and our party’s legislative candidates for the big races leading into November.
Maybe we should start a pool on the Lt. Gov. question, Pat. I don’t really know. Conventional wisdom says a woman with leadership experience, someone probably with a softer image, not a Washington insider, someone to appeal to centrists and swing voters. Any ideas, anyone?