As highlighted by El Presidente, the Beauprez campaign needs to get its act together – more like it needed to get its act together yesterday. I have refrained from writing about this race in recent weeks because in the very limited time available to blog, I didn’t want to spend it highlighting all the gaffes (and alleged lies) from Colorado’s Republican would-be governor and his campaign staff.
The gurus at Real Clear Politics have captured the losing trend in this race and pointed out the current average poll gap of 12 points! With 50 days until Election Day (and much sooner until absentee ballots start getting distributed), is it too late for Bob Beauprez to turn the corner and upset Democrat Bill Ritter? No one knows for sure. But it should be too late in the game to make excuses or to complain about the poor hand that’s been dealt.
Beauprez is still looking for an issue or issues to give him traction and an edge. What about his Accountability Pledge? Or maybe the issue of gun control? Don’t count me as optimistic yet.
Memo to GOP bigwigs: Now is the time to do what it takes to right the Beauprez campaign ship, rather than to make plans about who you’re going to point fingers at come November 8.
I’m a partisan, yes, but I’m also an honest partisan. Only a blind observer would tell you that things are going well for Beauprez. I’m too old for make-believe. We know what it takes to win. Let’s fix what’s wrong, feed what’s right, and make our best shot at keeping the statehouse in Republican hands.
I agree Ben. I have refrained too because I see a poorly run campaign of slogans that don’t appear on TV to even be sincere. TV is a big part of this and Bob doesn’t come across well on TV, and I am not sure exactly why.
I know if I, a friend of the GOP see this we are in trouble. He is by far better than Ritter run amok with a the purse strings of our state, but unless they can come up with some winning commercials we are sunk and then our only hope is to oust the dems out of the house so Ritter can’t do as much damage.