It can never hurt to rehash and reprise the theme of hypocrisy in the MSM, especially some of our friends at the Denver Post. It almost looks like the Ritter campaign has contracted out its public relations services. Joshua has it spot on:
In the Denver Post’s case, they don’t llike whistleblowers who leak to Republican campaigns. Of course, they’re more than happy to report on the reaction of the Perlmutter campaign to a story planted by that campaign in the Post itself.
The Post ridicules Beauprez’s claim that his source is courageous, even as it campaigns for federal shield laws for journalists. It states that Beauprez’s source leaked for partisan political purposes, even as it defends the New York Times for publishing information that’s likely to get Americans killed, in pursuit of its own political agenda.
Yes, the Post wants Beauprez to lose that bad. Unfortunately, for too many days during this campaign, it has looked like the Beauprez campaign was aiding and abetting the Post‘s efforts. Don’t count on the final results looking like the latest polls, though.
A “whistleblower” is an employee of a company who exposes information about that company’s misdeeds to the press or to a government agency, at risk to him- or herself.
The gentleman in this instance is a dedicated opponent of the Ritter campaign, not one of their staff. He broke federal law by providing information from a restricted FBI criminal database to GOP hacks. He did not approach the press or a government agency, but instead funneled the information to Ritter’s oppnonent for use in attack ads. He’s not a whistleblower according to standard definitions.
Finally, he’s anything but a hero. He took advantage of a plea bargain himself after he drunkely assaulted someone years ago. Hit the guy in the back of the head without warning, then kicked him after he was knocked out. He sounds like a real piece of work: a drunken, violent, hypocritical former backhoe operator who thinks it’s ok to spill federally protected data to other partisans. Now he’s got the FBI investigating Bob Beauprez and other campaign staff. I know, I know, “It’s OK If You’re A Republican.”
Why do you want to claim Cory David Voorhees as yours?
Whistleblowers on the other side generally don’t need to directly contact Democrat campaigns, when the culture of the mainstream media & government agencies is sympathetic to liberal causes.
I never made any claims about the “heroic” quality of this individual, so why practice the “politics of personal destruction”? My point was to highlight the hypocrisy from your side.
How is it to live your life constantly persecuted?
Am I supposed to believe that Republican “whistleblowers” face such an uphill climb in talking to the press that poor Cory David Vorhees simply had no choice but to illegally funnel contents of a restricted FBI database to his favorite political operatives? But if Mr. Voorhees were a Democrat, he’d only have to send an email to have his relevations appear on the front page of the Rocky, eh?
Give me a break.
Mr. Voorhees is simply not a “whistleblower” by the term’s standard meaning, as I pointed out before.
No, you didn’t call him “a hero” directly. You did cite the assertion that he’s “courageous,” however. You can see how I jumped to conclusions. But apparently you agree that he’s just another lawbreaker, so I’d suggest you rewrite your article to emphasize that.
“Am I supposed to believe that Republican “whistleblowers†face such an uphill climb in talking to the press that poor Cory David Vorhees simply had no choice but to illegally funnel contents of a restricted FBI database to his favorite political operatives? But if Mr. Voorhees were a Democrat, he’d only have to send an email to have his relevations appear on the front page of the Rocky, eh?”
Actually no, I want you to believe that there are law enforcement personnel that are sick of a justice system that is double tiered and not upholding the law the rest of us have to live under.
I want you to believe that in his job description Voorhees as an ICE has complete access to everything he pulled up. I want you to believe that he was so sick of this crap he put his job on the line to contact his Congressman Bob Beauprez about the situation with a man about to be elected Governor of Colorado.. specifically LALO that there is a two tiered justice system operating that is unprecedented and this is after we were attacked on 9/11..
That is what I expect you to believe, not some far fetched spin you decide to crap on everyone with…