Please read my post-election analysis on the fallout from the Democrats’ victory in Colorado, published today in The Denver Daily News, including this stirring conclusion:
The Independence Institute’s role could hardly be more important now. More than ever we will work to expose the big government agenda and to educate Coloradans about the value of personal and economic liberty in addressing the issues our state faces.
The “eternal truths of the Declaration of Independence†will help to guide us through the rough waters of the near future.
Conservatives need to stop and do some serious reflection, then press forward. Unlike the Statist Left, our hopes don’t rise and fall alone on who is empowered by the reins of government.
I for one plan to enjoy this Saturday’s Wolverine victory over Ohio State, spend time with family at Thanksgiving, and prepare mentally and spiritually for the special Yuletide season. 2008 will be here before any of us know it, with a little 2007 to come in between.
So tax policy and who is making it holds no interest to conservatives?
Curious, you should really read more carefully before making ill-informed comments.
Funny, I was just going to say the same thing about you. Last I checked, Buckeyes were ranked 1 and Wolverines 2, by a good .0030….
Curious asks a good question,
Where’s the article you linked to? Your link took me to an empty page, and lots of clicking hasn’t located it for me at the Denver Daily News site. Their search only seems to find articles from 2005…
Wouldn’t this be the perfect time to put Coach Cooper back at the Buckeye helm, maybe just for one week for old time’s sake? Sounds like a great idea to me.
All that Columbus cockiness doesn’t suit you – you’re beginning to sound like radio shock jock Hugh Hewitt, the silly Grand Ohio State Apologist….
Just trying to sound brave–it helps keep the shakes under control. Besides, we just finished clearing out the most corrupt tax-and-spend Republocratic government in Ohio history–surely we can handle a few snarling Wolverines after that…
PS–isn’t it amazing how much has changed at the old Dale in just the few years since we graduated?:
I don’t know about the Denver Daily News Web site, but as sure as the piece was there yesterday, it’s gone now. I’ve been told the same piece may run in one or all of the following publications: Colorado Statesman, Colorado Springs Gazette, Boulder Daily Camera.
If I can find a link to one of those tomorrow, I’ll put it up.
To Curious S’s question, I never said tax and fiscal policy holds no interest to conservatives. I tried – though probably not as ably as I would have liked – to state that those who are most interested in expanding the government’s size & reach at the expense of other institutions in society (e.g., family, churches & religious bodies, private charities, etc.) are more focused on who is in control of government institutions.
Conservatism, as I understand the philosophy, would like to devolve the centralized authority of the federal government and give more of the reins of power back to individuals, local governments, and private institutions. Thus we tend to be less interested ultimately in who controls the federal government.
Admittedly – since I know you will bring this up – much of the national Republican leadership has subscribed to the “big government Republicanism” model, which has brought them shame and defeat for abandoning important first principles.
There’s obviously a lot of nuance & detail to this debate. But with a lack of time to provide a more detailed exposition, I think this explains my point fairly well. I’m glad to have an honest debate about these matters – I’m actually sick of being in the perpetual political campaign mode.
It can often be easier to attack the opposition than to have a clear and coherent political philosophy of one’s own. I know both conservatives and liberals (as we understand them in the modern vernacular) who lack this coherence. It doesn’t speak necessarily to the validity of the person’s philosophy as much as to their own personal intellect, character, and/or development.
But as the conservative essayist Richard Weaver once wrote, “Ideas have consequences.” If you are willing to examine them with me, as much as is possible in the busy pace of our daily lives, I welcome the discussion. I need to hone my skill & understanding.
But that was probably a longer answer than you anticipated. My apologies.
I give up, I’m unable to successfully post a comment longer than this.
I posted a response here
Thanks for turning me on the Denver News website, even though the link is busted. I read it very often riding the bus, and looked for a website for them about a year ago and did not know they finally got up to the 20th century! (pun intendid)
I would not suggest relying on the traditional news media to educate people on the facts and truths of personal economics.
That is what a blog should be for.