“Men Warm Globe, Women Feel the Heat, Group Claims”:
The debate over climate change evolved into a battle of the sexes Monday at the 11th annual United Nations Climate Change Conference in Montreal. The spokesman for a feminist-based environmental group accused men of being the biggest contributors to human-caused “global warming” and lamented that women are bearing the brunt of the negative climate consequences created by men.
“Women and men are differently affected by climate change and they contribute differently to climate change,” said Ulrike Rohr, director of the German-based group called “Genanet-Focal point gender, Environment, Sustainability.”
I think we married men need to complain less about those things we do get nagged about and be thankful for the good sense that saves us from being nagged about things like – oh, causing drastic global climate change.
Likewise, Pat. I appreciate your visits to my site and your comments. This was one absurd story I just couldn’t pass up leaving a comment on.