For the handful of faithful blog readers who have survived the extended lull, I’m back. Snowy outside, warm inside… means it’s time to post something, even if it’s just a link to a great Monday column by the Post‘s David Harsanyi: “Referendum Supporters Betray GOP,” using the plainest evidence to demolish the absurd claims that Colorado’s fiscal health is somehow in crisis.
Three weeks until Coloradans cast their ballots and decide against the “forever tax increase.” With all the intraparty squabbles and dizzying number of tax measures to be decided, I can’t wait for Election Day to come. Hurry now!
Three cheers to Harsanyi for a great column to start off the week…
It is time for referendum reform in Colorado. It is far to easy for every lame brained, sounds good, feels good issue to make it in front of a mostly uninformed public. Laws are for the Legislature for accountability if nothing else.