This is the first time I’ve blogged on this particular case. But the exigency of the circumstances – they will begin starving Terri Schiavo tomorrow (!) – has broken my silence.
Blogs for Terri has put together the most concerted effort on her behalf. It is updated very regularly to let you know what you can do. Jared has done excellent work – migraine and all – to spread the call for action, and has also made one of the more clear and cogent arguments for keeping in her feeding tube.
Hugh is publicizing the issue on his show today. A lot of leading figures in Florida, including Governor Jeb Bush, are working to find any legal option they can to rescue Terri. Besides adding your voice to those speaking up for a defenseless woman, perhaps the best thing we all can do is humbly plead her case to a Sovereign, wise, just and merciful Heavenly Father.
That last part will prove to be the key, methinks.