In case you hadn’t noticed, I’d taken a prolonged hiatus from posting. While I was gone, Mount Virtus passed the one-year anniversary mark. A lot has changed since the first post last February, but I hope the commitment to quality remains the same.
So why has the site been so quiet of late? I very recently spent a week at the Biblical Counseling Training Conference in Lafayette, Indiana, a positive and intense experience that has already brought me greater attention to two things:
1. The need for personal spiritual discipline and focused spiritual growth in my life;
2. The need for more serious spiritual interaction in the lives of those God has placed in my path.
The conference was a tremendous experience and one I recommend to my evangelical Christian friends. It’s not just for pastors or other full-time ministry people: I can testify to that! We are equipped by God’s all-sufficient Scriptures (II Peter 1:3) to humbly minister loving truth into the lives of others on a one-on-one basis, remembering always that our first and highest goal is to please God with our thoughts and actions (II Corinthians 5:9). Facing the sin in my own life and actively seeking God’s grace to make me more like Christ has been a tremendous challenge and blessing thus far.
As a result, a major highlight of my blog in upcoming days will be summary reviews of the lessons and seminars at the conference, enough to give a taste of what was taught.
Other topics will still be discussed, especially as I get back up to speed, but I thank you now in advance for your understanding and kind attention.
Hi Ben,
That’s Good News!
Welcome home my friend!!!