The cannon fire is gaining strength within Colorado’s Republican camp, as the Marc Holtzman team shoots back and asks where rival Bob Beauprez has been on the Referenda C and D campaign.
Lest the Holtzman attack gets carried away too far, there is no doubt that Beauprez opposes the twin tax increase measures, though he may feel conflicted about making too public an opposition to his friend Bill Owens.
Both sides have elements of truth on their side. Holtzman has been in the limelight and absorbed the public backlash far more than his opponent. Gradually, he is establishing himself as the political leader on the issue, building inroads into the GOP’s fiscally conservative base and trying to establish his credibility for next year’s big showdown.
As his campaign coordinator stated, Beauprez undoubtedly has been talking up his opposition to Referenda C and D while on the campaign trail. But he hasn’t given it as much emphasis and has eschewed the airwaves on the issue. The Dead Governors’ recent revelation that Beauprez may be wavering in his decision may be raising some eyebrows right now, but we’ll believe it if anything comes of it all.
More related reading…
In his monthly blog posting from Tuesday, candidate Holtzman recounts his recent experience debating Ref C & D on the Western Slope.
A couple of weeks ago, Beauprez was also quoted in the paper as saying that he was tired of being asked about C and D.