Want a chance to hear both GOP gubernatorial candidates – Bob Beauprez and Marc Holtzman – address the issues and the ongoing campaign? Want to find out the latest on the forever tax increase known as Referendum C?
Then join Colorado’s conservative firebrands Rob & Jessica Corry as they guest host for John Andrews on the next edition of Backbone Radio:
When: Sunday, August 14, 5 pm – 8 pm
Station: KNUS, AM 710
Call-in number: 303-696-1971
A complete show lineup is available on JessicaCorry.com.
Darn, was hoping to ask Andrews why he suddenly doesn’t see the problems of the state anymore, and find out who’s cutting the checks that gave him the amnesia. I’m sure the timing is coincidental though.
Would we need any radio station other than KNUS were not for the need to listen to the Rockies?