A hearty congratulations must be made to the leadership of the United States Congress for hearkening to their constituents’ pleas for life and justice: the House and Senate have both delayed their scheduled recesses to pass compromise legislation that will stop the starvation of Terri Schiavo and give her recourse to her constitutional rights.
Congressman Bob Beauprez announced the development this during his brief speech at today’s State Central Committee Meeting, evoking a grand expression of support from most of the audience members. Only moments before, Congressman Tom Tancredo spoke eloquently in defense of Terri, making some important points:
As always, to stay on top of developments in this ongoing story, visit Terri’s Fight and Blogs for Terri.
Why isn’t Congress giving the victims of Bush’s “Texas Futile Care Law” hope?
Politics and money, the Republican hypocrisy laid bare. Culture of life my ass.
What this whole sick mess is really all about:
Republicans, betraying REPUBLICan principles for political gain. Welcome to the reality in Washington, 2005.