Rob at It’sComeDown2This has sent out a call to action in defense of one Al Heirich of Telluride, who runs a website to help people set up ski vacations. Mr. Heirich has apparently stepped on the toes of the politically correct police by posting the following information about the upcoming Gay Ski Week (read the WorldNetDaily article):
Although this week should be fun for those not offended by alternative lifestyles, with scheduled events including: The Pleasure Hunt, The Blue Ball Dance, Drag Races and more, we are strongly suggesting that families concerned with exposing their children to the homosexual lifestyle and homosexual behavior schedule their vacations another time.
Events are planned throughout the week in both towns celebrating and promoting the homosexual lifestyle.
Due to the intense controversy this year in regards to this week, the public display of homosexual pride and behavior will most likely be greater than last year. If this offends you, this is not the time to visit Telluride.
Quite a controversy has been stirring in the Colorado mountain community over Gay Ski Week and the response of Mr. Heirich and others. He’s been labeled a “homophobe” for showing a little common sense and backbone. Let him know, as he takes a lot of flak, that he’s not alone. Tell the people of Telluride that it’s those threatening Mr. Heirich that are the ones practicing hate and discrimination.
Mr. Heirich has set up a page offering various ways to help, including writing letters and making phone calls to entities of influence in Telluride. If you vacation in Telluride, book your stay through Al’s site.
I carefully crafted a letter thanking Mr Heirich for his honesty.
On behalf of Mr. Heirich, thanks. I don’t know this guy from Adam, but it seems to me that he is being mistreated.