If ever you've been inclined to dip your right index finger in purple ink, then my friend, there is no time like the present. Don't forget that you can show your solidarity with the brave men and women building a peaceful, democratic government in Iraq as they go to the polls on December 15 for their first parliamentary elections. Check out the links below to find out more: Purple Finger For Freedom Bill Bennett's open letter to store owners and managers KNUS (710 AM) is gathering digital photos of purple fingers to send along to Iraq Free Republic posts a collection of pictures from this week's early voting in Iraq … [Read more...]
Archives for December 2005
Arctic Temps Recede
Colorado did one of its best imitations of "Eskimo Summer" yesterday, leaving at least one blogger's brain cells and fingers at a sub-optimal temperature for filing a meaningful post. As the mercury slowly rises today and tomorrow back to healthier daytime temps and less bitterly cold nighttime lows, expect Mount Virtus to resume regular blogging activities. So much to write about, so little time.... Meanwhile, if you know a Colorado public school teacher, please send them to independentmindedteacher.org, with valuable information on union political refunds, different membership organizations, and much more. … [Read more...]
You Can’t Make Up This Stuff
"Men Warm Globe, Women Feel the Heat, Group Claims": The debate over climate change evolved into a battle of the sexes Monday at the 11th annual United Nations Climate Change Conference in Montreal. The spokesman for a feminist-based environmental group accused men of being the biggest contributors to human-caused "global warming" and lamented that women are bearing the brunt of the negative climate consequences created by men. "Women and men are differently affected by climate change and they contribute differently to climate change," said Ulrike Rohr, director of the German-based group called "Genanet-Focal point gender, Environment, Sustainability." I think we married men need to complain less about those things we do get … [Read more...]
The Heights of Blogging
The RMA's own Joshua Sharf has developed into a reliable source for the local mainstream media on issues related to blogging. Kudos to the Denver Post for acknowledging the credibility and value of this burgeoning alternative media - specifically, Jim Hughes' article today on PirateBallerina's persistent pressure on Ward Churchill and the University of Colorado. Most significant in the story is the contrast between an academic's warped, myopic view (notably from a professor of journalism) and a blogger's insightful comments from a clear and lofty perspective. First: Johansen, who teaches journalism, said in an e-mail that Paine's gotchas are baseless and that he walked away from the committee because of what he saw as a nasty media … [Read more...]
Letting You Know Where I Sit
Now that I am beginning regular (hopefully) contributions to the new Holtzman v Beauprez Web site, I wanted to let you know where I sit so you can filter my comments and observations on the governor's race appropriately. Today seems like a good a time as any to announce my personal support for the gubernatorial candidacy of Marc Holtzman. About a month ago a couple other RMA bloggers and I sat down with Marc for an informal Q & A session. After that meeting I reported my many positive impressions. I also had positive impressions of Congressman Bob Beauprez during our earlier meeting. Recognizing that honest people of good faith and like principles can disagree in such matters, I wanted to make clear that I do not support Holtzman out of … [Read more...]
Ritter and Abortion: More Questions Than Answers
We know Colorado's Democrats have been straining to find a gubernatorial candidate. With each passing week of press and fundraising for former Denver District Attorney Bill Ritter, it gets a little harder for a primary opponent to nudge into the race. Like a row of performers at the end of a play, most all of the Democrats' big hopes to run have bowed out: Ken Salazar, John Hickenlooper, Mark Udall, Joan Fitz-Gerald. Ritter has posed a problem for his party's base with his open admission of his personal pro-life stance. Well, you know the prospects for another viable Democrat candidate must be fading into the twilight when you read an opinion piece like this in today's Denver Post. Authored by three prominent liberal Democrat women of … [Read more...]
Post Beats Up Christian Group Straw Man
Note to the Denver Post editorial staff - before publishing an editorial, please take the time to verify the simple facts. Today's piece in question began: We're perplexed by a boycott of Target Corp. organized by two Christian groups that are angry with the retailer for forcing its employees to wish customers "Happy holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas." Especially because it isn't true. Unfortunately, the Post meant only that Target has no such policy. They didn't point out that the boycott against Target has nothing to do with a policy regarding what employees can or cannot say. What a good reason to be perplexed! The Post should be more careful about giving a misleading impression. Instead, they could have read what the … [Read more...]