When you're hundreds of miles away from the scene of a massive disaster like Hurricane Katrina, and you know almost no one directly affected by the massive storm, it's easy to lose perspective on the human toll of such events. But then you realize how many of our fellow Americans, people with moms and dads and brothers and sisters and sons and daughters, are in dire straits. The New Orleans Times-Picayune blog has been posting a series of electronically-relayed pleas from people who have lost contact with loved ones or whose loved ones are trapped and need help. Ladies and gents, this stuff is real. They need our prayers and support. You can find a list of charitable organizations at Instapundit from which to choose. But reach out and … [Read more...]
Archives for August 2005
Mere Simpletons
David Harsanyi's Post column today is a valuable read. He exposes the scare tactics and duplicity of those conducting the campaign for the forever tax increase. Money quote: One wishes legislators would have had this level of interest in the Priority Colorado report when it was released in January. Perhaps they could have saved a couple hundred million dollars. But as you can imagine, the report was almost universally dismissed by legislators. "There's a reason the Independence Institute is a political think tank," said Joan Fitz-Gerald, Democratic Senate president, at the time. "They couldn't get elected to anything. ... They have only simplistic answers." Apparently, elected officials are the only ones with worthwhile ideas. … [Read more...]
JeffCo GOP Takes the Right Stand
Following the lead of the El Paso and Larimer County Republican Party organizations, my own Jefferson County Republican Party has taken a significant stand in opposition to Referenda C and D. Congrats to my JeffCo GOP, under the able leadership of Chair Renee Nelson, for passing the following resolution: Whereas, lowering the tax burden on Americans is one of the core principles of the Republican Party because Republicans believe that taxpayers know how to spend their own money better than the government does; Whereas, The Taxpayer's Bill of Rights (TABOR) was passed in by the voters in 1992 by a statewide majority; Whereas, The TABOR provides for regular, but controlled, increases in government spending in Colorado; Whereas, tax … [Read more...]
Education Super Sleuth Joins Blogosphere
Nominee for "Best New Blog by Somebody You Hoped Would Start One"... Mike Antonucci, guru of the Education Intelligence Agency, famous for his weekly Communique, has joined the blogosphere. His vast array of sources and his tremendous insight and experience into the world of teachers unions and public education make his work a must-read. And now Mike is blogging at a site he has called "Intercepts." Check it out and add it to your blogroll. … [Read more...]
Gas Pump Observations
Perhaps I'm giving away my youth and inexperience, but I don't remember the long gas lines that accompanied the oil shortages of the late 1970s. Not to say that now is in any way comparable to those days, but I witnessed a renewed clarity of consumer consciousness at the gas station on my way home tonight. Knowing the Buick's tank was lagging in the fuel department, I've been putting off the necessity for the past few days, burying my head as the cost of gasoline skyrockets. Nevertheless, the car was nearing empty, so I planned a stop this evening at a Wheat Ridge gas station noted for its relatively low prices. Of course, if the numbers posted on their sign tonight had been there even two weeks ago, the scene would have been much … [Read more...]
Speaking of New Blogs
It's time to pay kudos to Backbone America's addition to the blogosphere, with Senator John Andrews lending his wit and wisdom to the great political conversations of our day. Contributions so far have also been made by Sean Duffy and Beth Skinner. Another one to add to the blogroll.... … [Read more...]
Gubernatorial Candidate Unveils Blog
Marc Holtzman, Republican candidate for Colorado governor and ready to hit the road on a statewide tour, has unveiled his new blog: With the 2006 gubernatorial race beginning to take shape, I am excited to bring my campaign into the blogosphere. Bloggers are today's Minutemen, the often-time heroes who repeatedly astound us with their ability to expose Big Media's attempts to pull the wool over the eyes of everyday citizens. Just what you might expect to see from Colorado's former Secretary of Technology. This is a tremendous development in state politics and may begin to redefine how campaigns are run for the next generation or so. Of course, you should also stop by his campaign Web site. Holtzman's attention to detail, his … [Read more...]
Ref C: Lots of Good Laughs
The middle of August can be the grueling days of a Colorado ballot initiative campaign. When you're spending thousands of investor dollars trying to convince voters that a tax increase is not a tax increase, and your poll numbers are stagnating considerably below 50 percent, you need to find a laugh somewhere - for the sake of mental health, if nothing else. Taking out the pent-up angst with some jocular lampooning of your political opponents can be not only amusing but cathartic. Let them go ahead, I say, if it makes them feel better while spending money trying to confuse Coloradans about the state of the economy and the nature of the tax increase. But when the pro-Ref C crowd seeks to be serious with its radio commercials, it can be … [Read more...]
Opposing the Withdrawal from Gaza
Joshua has information on Monday's Gush Katif prayer gathering and rally in Denver to protest Israel's forced withdrawal from Gaza. Read what he has to say, and consider attending this important event. On a related note, have you expressed your support as a friend of Israel? … [Read more...]
Colorado Dems Get Out of a Rutt
With Rutt Bridges' announcement that he won't pursue the Democratic nomination for governor, the crazy speculation begins. First, this obviously doesn't mean Bill Ritter is a shoo-in or even the anointed frontrunner for the Dem ticket. Second, the way Bridges stepped down suggests the party leadership is trying to rally the troops around someone else. So who do Pat Waak and Company want to run? Senate President Joan FitzGerald has been out on the stump with union organizers bashing Wal-Mart. With such a play to the base, maybe she is the logical choice. Rumors are also floating around Congressman Mark Udall and Mayor John Hickenlooper, but I'm on the wrong side of the aisle myself to give a good insiders' assessment. Finally, … [Read more...]