The results from across the country keep pouring in: Kansas yesterday approved a state constitutional amendment defining marriage as being between one man and one woman with 70 percent in favor, a typical result and one that closely matches a virtually unreported CNN/USAToday/Gallup poll from last weekend showing 68 percent of Americans holding that view. Early reports from yesterday indicate that voter turnout in the most populated areas of The Jayhawk State was brisk. Similar reports appeared this morning: The issue appeared to bring out more voters than usual for a spring election. State officials said spring off-year elections generally produce a turnout in the 10 percent to 20 percent range. Johnson County reported a turnout … [Read more...]
Archives for April 2005
Controversial Conservative Professor Reportedly Threatened
Developing story from CSU-Pueblo. Stay tuned... It appears that Dr. Dan Forsyth - the professor cleared of charges accusing him of creating a "racially hostile environment" in his classroom for holding conservative views on immigration - has not experienced the last of trouble. Credible sources indicate that a liberal faculty colleague of Forsyth has widely disseminated a threatening e-mail around campus. The author of the e-mail, Chicano Studies Professor David Sandoval, declared his efforts to bring radical activists in to Pueblo to "address the bigotry done" by Forsyth. The message continues: "My prediction is that before it is over there will be physical violence on this campus...." Sandoval's e-mail also invoked the radical … [Read more...]
Blog Holiday
Nothing profound or thought-provoking or informative to say, no blog or news story I've found to which I want to link. Cold and rainy outside. Seems like the perfect occasion for a blog holiday. No posts 'till Wednesday - unless, of course, something profound or thought-provoking or informative changes my mind. … [Read more...]
Opening Day Roar
It's days like this I miss being a sports editor. Without the broadsheet pages on which to print my thoughts, I hope you will kindly forbear as I indulge in a bit of nostalgia. We Detroit Tigers' fans have been in the doghouse for more than a decade. It's been a long, dry, painful spell for those loyal to the Olde English D - especially long to someone like me who was a junior in high school the last time the Tigs finished a season with more wins than losses, a prepubescent 5th grader the last time they went to the playoffs, and a mere 7 years old during that magical 1984 World Series run that seems like ancient history now. In 2002, hope that a true turnaround was coming started to take shape as Detroit hired Dave Dombrowski as … [Read more...]
Shameless Self-Promotion
My first opinion column ever to appear in the Rocky Mountain News runs this morning in the Speakout section: "Don't pay teachers for days on strike." With the labor dispute heating up between Denver Public Schools and the teachers' union, you'll want to get the taxpayer-friendly perspective on the issue. All right, all right. Even if the subject doesn't interest you in the least, you could at least humor me by following the link. … [Read more...]
What a Difference Poll Questions Make
A new Zogby poll released contrasts with the findings of earlier national surveys on the Terri Schiavo case. When the questions were asked in a way more reflective of the actual situation, the true complexities of the case and the American majority's clearer moral sensibilities emerge. No one with intellectual honesty can say with a straight face that Zogby is part of the vast right-wing conspiracy. But the Democrat-leaning pollster demonstrated the simple effectiveness of asking specific and relevant questions. Here are some key findings, as reported by Life News, the first suggesting popular approval for erring on the side of life: The Zogby poll found that, if a person becomes incapacitated and has not expressed their … [Read more...]
Ssshh! Maybe no one will notice the poll…
Jennifer Harper of The Washington Times reports on a CNN/USAToday/Gallup poll released yesterday regarding public sentiment on the issue of same-sex marriages: When asked whether they thought same-sex "marriages" should be recognized by the law as valid and come with the same rights as traditional marriages, 68 percent of the respondents in the CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll said they should not. Twenty-eight percent said same-sex "marriages" should be valid and 4 percent had no opinion. The survey of 443 adults was conducted March 18 to 20. A similar poll by Gallup last year found that 55 percent thought homosexual "marriages" should not be valid, while 42 percent said they should be recognized. In addition, 466 adults were asked … [Read more...]
The Phoniest of Phony Polls
Jared has already done a terrific job of highlighting the most recent advocacy of Denver's lefty online community ProgressNow, so I don't need to devote any extra time rehashing their claims that he has so effectively and articulately refuted. On their website, ProgressNow is touting its sponsored online poll showing 98 percent in favor of Governor Bill Owens signing HB1042, the measure that would require all medical facilities (including religious hospitals with deep pro-life convictions) to provide "emergency contraceptives" to rape victims. Jared highlights well the idiocy of their self-selecting survey, but it only becomes more absurd when you read the way ProgressNow words the question: Should Governor Owens allow victims of … [Read more...]
Reflections on Terri and Beyond
My essay, "Reflections on the Suffering and Death of Terri Schiavo," has been posted at Sharper Iron. The essay is personal, philosophical, spiritual, contemplative, and I hope you get a chance to read it. Thanks, Jason, for the opportunity to post it to your site. But even now in Terri's passing, our eyes are being focused on larger moral, cultural, and political debates to come. Read Bill Sammon's piece in today's Washington Times on the powerful resurgence of the pro-life movement in its crusade to reform the judiciary. The secular liberal political and media establishments looked at this case through radically different eyes than many religiously-motivated and spiritually-attuned fundamentalists, evangelicals, Catholics, and Jews … [Read more...]