Hugh has issued a topic for discussion among the blogosphere: A modern novel worth reading twice is very hard to come by, at least for a reader like me, pressed for time and inclined to history and current events.... But it seems to me to be a good sign that a serious reader would have reread a modern novel twice, and if any in the blogging community would like to offer those novels they have been through at least twice, I will link those posts here as a handy guide to Christmas book giving and getting. My first reaction to this was 'why read a novel twice?' … [Read more...]
Archives for November 2004
PSALM 100 Shout joyfully to the LORD, all the earth. 2 Serve the LORD with gladness; come before Him with joyful singing. 3 Know that the LORD Himself is God; it is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; we are His people and the sheep of His pasture. 4 Enter His gates with thanksgiving, and His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him; bless His name. 5 For the LORD is good; His lovingkindenss is everlasting, and His faithfulness to all generations. … [Read more...]
A New Colorado Conservative News Voice
As someone who reads the posts of a Colorado conservative blogger, you might be someone who is also interested in a new alternative local newspaper from a conservative perspective: The Front Range Rampart. I've met editor Ed Hanks. He has solid credentials and a determination to make the Rampart a success, not to mention a sincere appreciation for the work of local conservative bloggers. He also has growing support for his new paper, but why not do your part to make that support grow a little faster? A year-long subscription to the weekly paper costs $30. He is also accepting donations to get the Rampart off the ground. Find the details here. And spread the word. Ed's target is a minimum 3,000 subscribers to make this a … [Read more...]
Tensions in the Ukraine
One of Colorado's own, out of the country on a business trip, has found himself in the middle of a very tense situation. Thanks to modern technology, former Congressman Bob Schaffer is reporting on developing events in the Ukraine via his Blackberry. Russian President Vladimir Putin has backed a major candidate in the Ukrainian election and declared him the victor. Thousands and thousands of his opponents' supporters have declared the election corrupt and fraudulent, while the U.S. has urged Putin to back away from his premature anointing of his candidate's victory. Tensions are high, as the results of a free democratic election are in question. To keep up with developments, check out this page on the Denver Post's site. Clay has … [Read more...]
Memo to Professional Athletes
We've seen and heard about Friday night's NBA brawl in Auburn Hills, Mich. We're not impressed. We are impressed by tremendous feats of athleticism - high-flying slam dunks and acrobatic catches - because we can't do them ourselves. We are impressed by the ability to perform and the will to compete and win on a grand stage. We are impressed by these things because you entertain us. We are not impressed enough to worship you as heroes. We recognize you as flawed and fallen human beings, like ourselves, only with extraordinary physical gifts. … [Read more...]
A New Location
Welcome to the new, more permanent and more stable home of Mount Virtus, member of the Rocky Mountain Alliance of Blogs. Whether this is a first or return visit to my Internet musings, please feel free to take a look around. Most of the last nine months of blogging have been dedicated to topics political, with smatterings of the biblical, cultural and historical. While politics and policy will stay on the radar for the foreseeable future, I hope this new location sets the groundwork for a richer variety of discussions and analyses. Perhaps more on my own life, too, but not so much as to inflict boredom on my faithful few readers. For now, I'm still adding links to the sidebar. And my archives are on their way over from the old … [Read more...]