You haven’t heard of the Steamboat Institute? Well, neither had I, until recently. But it’s an organization co-founded by my Leadership Program of the Rockies classmate Jennifer Schubert-Akin, and it’s dedicated to five principles:
- Limited Government
- Lower Taxes
- Free Markets
- Strong National Defense
- Individual Rights and Responsibilities
The group is getting off to a strong start by hosting a conference on August 28 and 29 at the Steamboat Grand Hotel in beautiful Steamboat Springs, Colorado, featuring some big name champions of the free market, limited government, pro-liberty movement, including:
- Grover Norquist
- Congressman Mike Pence, Indiana
- Michael Reagan
- Former president John Adams ???
Hey, I think seeing a 270-year-old Founding Father in the flesh might be worth the price of admission by itself. And what about the excuse of getting to spend a weekend in God’s country? If you can do it, go for it!
If you can make it to this event, please plug my friend Matt Arnold, and let him know with a Facebook message that he encouraged you to sign up for the conference (because he encouraged me to write this post). But please do it today, if you can!!
Beware of Grover Norquist. He’s no friend of freedom.