The Denver Post gave its complete endorsement round-up for Colorado state house races today. It’s impossible for us mere mortals to divine the rhyme or reason behind the Post‘s endorsements. As expected, the center-left editorial board has backed more Democrats than Republicans, and nearly every incumbent.
But interestingly, the Post threw its lot behind two Republican challengers over Democrat officeholders. One of them is here in Arvada, where a hard-working, truly grassroots, common-sense candidate has emerged:
HD 27 (Jefferson) — First-term incumbent Democrat Sara Gagliardi, a nurse, has focused primarily on health care. But we’re more impressed with Republican challenger John Bodnar because of his balanced views on energy and environmental issues. Bodner [sic] also has realistic and affordable ideas about expanding health care options….
While the Post‘s method for making these state legislative endorsements carries some aura of mystery, the expectation is that in many of the closer contests the editors are essentially betting on who they think will win. If so, that’s good news for the taxpaying citizens of Arvada. The Post also has endorsed Libby Szabo for Senate District 19.
In less heartening endorsement news:
HD 6 (Arapahoe, Denver) — Democrat Lois Court, a former legislative staffer, is our choice to replace term-limited Andrew Romanoff. She faces Republican Joshua Sharf, a star of the conservative blogosphere.
A “star of the conservative blogosphere”? I am now officially contemplating a run for office so I too can be called “a star of the conservative blogosphere” by the Denver Post. Let the rumors swirl.
I’d be thrilled to have both Libby Szabo and John Bodnar represent me in the Colorado General Assembly next year! For too long, this part of north Jeffco has been represented by people far to the left — even further left than the majority of their party.